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AbstractBlobColumnTranslator<R,T> - Class in org.sormula.translator
Base class for creating custom column translators for fields stored as SQL BLOB.
AbstractBlobColumnTranslator(RowField<R, T>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.AbstractBlobColumnTranslator
Constructs for a RowField and column name.
AbstractCache<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache
Abstract base class for implementing caches.
AbstractCache(Table<R>, Cached) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Constructs for a table and annotation.
AbstractColumnTranslator<R,T> - Class in org.sormula.translator
Common functionality for most translators.
AbstractColumnTranslator(RowField<R, T>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.AbstractColumnTranslator
Constructs for a column.
AbstractLazySelector<R> - Class in org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy
Typical state and behavior for performing lazy select cascades.
AbstractLazySelector() - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Constructs for use when AbstractLazySelector is base class of row that will contain lazy select fields.
AbstractLazySelector(R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Constructs for use as delegate for row that will contain lazy select fields.
AbstractPaginatedListSelector<R> - Class in org.sormula.selector
PaginatedSelector that implements ListSelectOperation features.
AbstractPaginatedListSelector(int, Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.selector.AbstractPaginatedListSelector
Constructs for a page size and table.
AbstractPaginatedListSelector(int, Table<R>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.sormula.selector.AbstractPaginatedListSelector
Constructs for a page size, table and scroll sensitivity.
AbstractWhereTranslator<R> - Class in org.sormula.translator
Base class for translators that provide parameters for where clause.
AbstractWhereTranslator(RowTranslator<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.AbstractWhereTranslator
Constructs for row translator.
ActiveDatabase - Class in
A lightweight class for defining the DataSource to be used by ActiveRecord and related classes.
ActiveDatabase(String) - Constructor for class
Constructs for a data source name and empty schema.
ActiveDatabase(String, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs for a data source name and schema.
ActiveDatabase(DataSource) - Constructor for class
Constructs for a data source and empty schema.
ActiveDatabase(DataSource, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs for a data source and schema.
ActiveException - Exception in
Exception that originates in the activerecord package.
ActiveException(String) - Constructor for exception
Constructs for a message.
ActiveException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception
Constructs for a message and cause.
ActiveLazySelector<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
Performs lazy loading of active records.
ActiveLazySelector(ActiveTable<R>, R, SelectCascadeAnnotationReader) - Constructor for class
Constructs for the source and annotation reader.
ActiveOperation<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>,T> - Class in
Template for executing ActiveOperation.operate() on an active table.
ActiveOperation(ActiveTable<R>, String) - Constructor for class
Constructs for a table and fail message.
ActiveRecord<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
Base class for active records.
ActiveRecord() - Constructor for class
ActiveTable<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
Performs all database operations for ActiveRecord objects.
ActiveTable(Class<R>) - Constructor for class
Constructs for default active database and a record type.
ActiveTable(ActiveDatabase, Class<R>) - Constructor for class
Constructs for a database and record type.
ActiveTransaction - Class in
A class to group multiple active record operations within one JDBC transaction.
ActiveTransaction() - Constructor for class
Constructs for the default active database.
ActiveTransaction(ActiveDatabase) - Constructor for class
Constructs an ActiveDatabase.
add(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ListSelectOperation
Implement to add row to collection created SelectOperation.createReadAllCollection().
add(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.MapSelectOperation
Implement to add row to collection created SelectOperation.createReadAllCollection().
add(long) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
Adds nanoseconds to this time and adds to total and parent if they are not null.
add(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Implement to add row to collection created SelectOperation.createReadAllCollection().
addColumnTranslator(ColumnTranslator<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractWhereTranslator
Adds translator with equal as operator and "AND" as boolean operator.
addColumnTranslator(ColumnTranslator<R>, String, String, String) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractWhereTranslator
Adds translator with a specific sql comparison operator and boolean operator.
addColumnTranslator(ColumnTranslator<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
addColumnTranslator(ColumnTranslator<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.OrderByTranslator
Adds column translator with empty string qualifier.
addColumnTranslator(ColumnTranslator<R>, String) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.OrderByTranslator
Adds translator with a specific qualifier.
addColumnTranslator(Field, String) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.PrimaryKeyWhereTranslator
Adds a ColumnTranslator for a field.
addFilter(Class<F>, BiPredicate<F, Boolean>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Adds a filter to use for a row type.
addListener(TransactionListener) - Method in class org.sormula.Transaction
Adds a listener that will be notified of Transaction events.
addNameTranslatorClass(Class<? extends NameTranslator>) - Method in class
Adds a default name translator to use when none are defined for the table.
addNameTranslatorClass(Class<? extends NameTranslator>) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Adds a default name translator class.
addTable(Table<?>) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Adds a table object to map to be used for row objects of type Object.getClass().
ArrayListSelectOperation<R> - Class in org.sormula.operation
ListSelectOperation that uses ArrayList for SelectOperation.readAll() results.
ArrayListSelectOperation(Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.ArrayListSelectOperation
Constructs for a table to use primary key where condition.
ArrayListSelectOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.ArrayListSelectOperation
Constructs for a table and where condition.
attach(ActiveDatabase) - Method in class
Associates an active database with this active record.
attach(R) - Method in class
Attaches an active record to the active database used by this operation with ActiveRecord.attach(ActiveDatabase).
attach(Collection<R>) - Method in class
Attaches a collection of active record to the active database used by this operation with ActiveRecord.attach(ActiveDatabase).


BatchException - Exception in org.sormula.operation
Used for one of several error conditions that can occur when ModifyOperation.setBatch(boolean) is set to true.
BatchException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.operation.BatchException
begin() - Method in class
Starts the transaction.
begin(Transaction) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Indicates start of database transaction.
begin(Transaction) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Notification of database transaction start.
begin() - Method in class org.sormula.NoOpTransaction
Starts the transaction.
begin() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Starts a transaction for AbstractLazySelector.lazySelect(Field).
begin(Transaction) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
begin() - Method in class org.sormula.Transaction
Starts the transaction.
begin(Transaction) - Method in interface org.sormula.TransactionListener
Indicates start of transaction.
BigDecimalTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setBigDecimal(int, java.math.BigDecimal) and ResultSet.getBigDecimal(int).
BigDecimalTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.BigDecimalTranslator
blobToField(Blob) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractBlobColumnTranslator
Converts a Blob object to a domain object for use by, int, Object).
BooleanTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setBoolean(int, boolean) and ResultSet.getBoolean(int).
BooleanTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.BooleanTranslator
BooleanYNColumnTranslator<R> - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates a boolean field using PreparedStatement.setString(int, String) and ResultSet.getString(int).
BooleanYNColumnTranslator(RowField<R, Boolean>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.BooleanYNColumnTranslator
Constructs for a RowField and column name.
BooleanYNTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
TypeTranslator that translates a boolean field using PreparedStatement.setString(int, String) and ResultSet.getString(int).
BooleanYNTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.BooleanYNTranslator
ByteTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setByte(int, byte) and ResultSet.getByte(int).
ByteTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.ByteTranslator


Cache<R> - Interface in org.sormula.cache
Interface for a cache implementation.
Cached - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation.cache
Annotation for row class, table class, or database class to specify caching.
CachedAnnotationReader - Class in org.sormula.annotation.cache
Reads Cached annotation from a class.
CachedAnnotationReader(Class<?>...) - Constructor for class org.sormula.annotation.cache.CachedAnnotationReader
Constructs for classes that may contain the annotation.
CachedTable<R> - Class in org.sormula
A cached table with default cache settings.
CachedTable(Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.CachedTable
CachedTable(Database, Class<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.CachedTable
CacheException - Exception in org.sormula.cache
Exception that originals from classes in org.sormula.cache packages.
CacheException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.cache.CacheException
Constructs for a message.
CacheException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.cache.CacheException
Constructs for a message and cause.
CacheKey - Class in org.sormula.cache
Key used by AbstractCache for maps of committed and uncommitted rows.
CacheKey(Object[]) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.CacheKey
Constructs for primary keys of a row.
CacheWriteException - Exception in org.sormula.cache.writable
Thrown when cache has error writing to the database.
CacheWriteException(Class<?>, Object[], Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.cache.writable.CacheWriteException
Constructs for a table, keys, and cause.
cancel() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
Cancels any time recorded since ElapsedTime.start() and time paused with ElapsedTime.pause().
cancel() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.NoOperationTime
cancel() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Cancels recording active time.
cancel() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Requests cancel for currently executing statement.
Cascade - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation.cascade
A general purpose cascade annotation.
cascade(S) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Performs cascade operation.
cascade(S) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.ModifyCascadeOperation
Performs cascade operation.
cascade(S) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SelectCascadeOperation
Performs cascade operation.
cascade(R, boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Executes all cascade operations that were created by SqlOperation.prepareCascades().
CascadeAnnotationReader - Class in org.sormula.annotation.cascade
Base class for cascade annotation readers.
CascadeAnnotationReader(Field) - Constructor for class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Constructs for a field.
CascadeOperation<S,T> - Class in org.sormula.operation.cascade
Base class for all cascade operations.
CascadeOperation(SqlOperation<S>, RowField<S, ?>, Table<T>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Constructs from source operation and targets of the cascade.
check() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Verifies that cache is ready.
checkDefaultTargetClass() - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes target class based upon Field.getGenericType() and Field.getType() when target class is not specified (the default value of Object.class).
checkLazySelects(String) - Method in class
Selects record(s) from database for field based upon definitions in select annotations of field where SelectCascade.lazy() is true.
checkLazySelects(String) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Checks if field should be selected.
checkLazySelects(String) - Method in interface org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.LazySelectable
Checks if lazy select needs to be performed.
ClassLogger - Class in org.sormula.log
Sormula no longer uses this class since version 4.3

A delegate for SLF4J logger that uses the import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory to create a logger based upon the class name that created ClassLogger. Use no-argument constructor to create a logger for your class. To use this class, create an new instance and then invoke the log methods.

 package com.mycompany.something;
 public class MyClass 
     final static ClassLogger log = new ClassLogger();
     public void SomeMethod()
     {"hello, world");
Log messages from MyClass will be logged with logical log name of com.mycompany.something.MyClass

If no SLF4J jars are on the classpath, then no exceptions are thrown and no logging will occur.

ClassLogger() - Constructor for class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
Constructs with logical log name of package name of the caller of this constructor.
cleanUp() - Method in class org.sormula.Transaction
Sets Transaction.isActive() to false and restores auto commit to the original state.
close() - Method in class
Cleans up resources that are used by this transaction.
close() - Method in class
Cleans up any used resources.
close() - Method in class
Closes connection and then invokes Database.close().
close(SqlOperation<R>) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Notification that a SqlOperation for the cached table is about to close.
close(SqlOperation<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.ReadOnlyCache
Does nothing.
close(SqlOperation<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.ReadWriteCache
Notification that a SqlOperation for the cached table is about to close.
close() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.WriteOperations
Closes write operations.
close() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Closes connection if this class created the connection from a data source.
close() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Cleans up by closing any JDBC resources.
close() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.ModifyCascadeOperation
Cleans up by closing any JDBC resources.
close() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SelectCascadeOperation
Cleans up by closing any JDBC resources.
close() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Cleans up after operation is no longer needed.
close() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
close() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Cleans up after operation is no longer needed.
close() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Cleans up after operation is no longer needed.
close() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
Closes the select operation with ScalarSelectOperation.close().
closeCascades() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Closes the CascadeOperation objects for this operation.
closeDatabase() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Invoked by AbstractLazySelector.checkLazySelects(String) to close the Database instance that was used to perform the lazy selects.
closeDatabase() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.DurableLazySelector
closeDatabase() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.SimpleLazySelector
closeStatement() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Closes the prepared statement for this operation.
Column - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
Defines column attributes for a row class variable.
ColumnsTranslator<R> - Class in org.sormula.translator
Base class for translators that are made of a list of column translators.
ColumnsTranslator(Class<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Constructs for a row class.
columnToEnum(Object) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumToStringTranslator
Converts a table column value to an Enum.
columnToEnum(Object) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumTranslator
Converts a table column value to an Enum with Enum.valueOf(Class, String).
ColumnTranslator<R> - Interface in org.sormula.translator
Interface of minimal behavior needed for a column translator.
commit() - Method in class
Completes the transaction.
commit(Transaction) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Indicates database transaction commit.
commit(Transaction) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Notification of database transaction normal end.
commit(Transaction) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.WritableCache
Writes any uncommitted rows to database with Object.wait() and then commits them by invoking AbstractCache.commit(Transaction).
commit() - Method in class org.sormula.NoOpTransaction
Commits the transaction by invoking Connection.commit().
commit() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Commits the transaction for AbstractLazySelector.lazySelect(Field).
commit(Transaction) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
commit() - Method in class org.sormula.Transaction
Commits the transaction by invoking Connection.commit().
commit(Transaction) - Method in interface org.sormula.TransactionListener
Indicates that transaction is completing normally.
confirmExecuted() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
ConsoleSormulaLogger - Class in org.sormula.log
A SormulaLogger that logs to System.out.
ConsoleSormulaLogger(String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.log.ConsoleSormulaLogger
contains(Object[]) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Tests if row is in cache.
contains(Object[]) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Tests if cache contains a row with the primary key(s).
createColumnOrderByPhrase() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.OrderByTranslator
Creates column phrase with qualifiers.
createColumnParameterPhrase() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractWhereTranslator
Creates column phrase with parameter placeholders and comparison operators like:
"c1 cop1 a1 bo2 c2 cop2 a2 bo3 c3 cop3 a3..." where cN is column name, copN is WhereField.comparisonOperator(), aN is operand (typically "?"), and boN is WhereField.booleanOperator()
createColumnParameterPhrase() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Creates sql phrase of column names with parameters .
createColumnPhrase() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Gets sql phrase as list of columns.
createListSelectOperation() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.AbstractPaginatedListSelector
createListSelectOperation() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedListSelector
createOperation() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Creates new instance of sql operation from CascadeOperation.cascadeSqlOperationClass supplied in the constructor.
createOperation() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.DeleteCascadeOperation
Creates new instance of sql operation from CascadeOperation.cascadeSqlOperationClass supplied in the constructor.
createOperation() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SaveCascadeOperation
Creates new instance of sql operation from CascadeOperation.cascadeSqlOperationClass supplied in the constructor.
createOperation() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.UpdateCascadeOperation
Creates new instance of sql operation from CascadeOperation.cascadeSqlOperationClass supplied in the constructor.
createOperationTime(String, String) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Creates an OperationTime instance with this database total time, Database.getTotalOperationTime() as the parent time.
createParameterPhrase() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Creates parameter placeholders for all columns.
createReadAllCollection() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ArrayListSelectOperation
Creates an ArrayList to contain selected rows.
createReadAllCollection() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.HashMapSelectOperation
Creates an HashMap to contain selected rows.
createReadAllCollection() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.LinkedHashMapSelectOperation
Creates an LinkedHashMap to contain selected rows.
createReadAllCollection() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Implement to create collection to use by SelectOperation.readAll().
createRowField(Table<R>, Field) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Creates a RowField from a Field and Table.
createRowField(Field) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Creates a RowField object with the appropriate field access (either getter/setter method or direct access).
createSql() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractWhereTranslator
Creates SQL for where phrase.
createSql() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.OrderByTranslator
Creates order by phrase.
createTable() - Method in class
Creates an ActiveTable for record class returned by ActiveRecord.getRecordClass().


Database - Class in org.sormula
Source of Table objects for reading/writing from/to database.
Database(String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.Database
Constructs for JNDI name and no schema.
Database(String, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.Database
Constructs for JNDI name and schema.
Database(DataSource) - Constructor for class org.sormula.Database
Constructs for no schema.
Database(DataSource, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.Database
Constructs for schema.
Database(Connection) - Constructor for class org.sormula.Database
Constructs for no schema.
Database(Connection, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.Database
Constructs for schema.
DateTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(int, java.sql.Timestamp) and ResultSet.getTimestamp(int) for java.util.Date objects.
DateTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.DateTranslator
debug(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
debug(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
debug(Marker, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
debug(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
debug(Marker, String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
debug(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
debug(String, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
debug(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
debug(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
debug(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
debug(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ConsoleSormulaLogger
debug(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.EmptySormulaLogger
debug(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.JavaSormulaLogger
Logs Level.FINE level.
debug(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.Log4jSormulaLogger
debug(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.Slf4jSormulaLogger
debug(String) - Method in interface org.sormula.log.SormulaLogger
Logs debug level message.
delete() - Method in class
Deletes record from database.
delete(R) - Method in class
Deletes by primary key.
Delete<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
Delete(ActiveTable<R>, R) - Constructor for class
delete(R) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Performs an equivalent to SQL delete on cache for row.
delete(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.ReadOnlyCache
Returns false since read only cache never writes to database and is never authority for row.
delete(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedReadOnlyRow
Throws IllegalCacheOperationException since this method should not be used for ReadOnlyCache.
delete(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.ReadWriteCache
Performs an equivalent to SQL delete on cache for row.
delete(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedDelete
delete(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedInsert
delete(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSave
delete(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSelect
delete(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedUpdate
delete(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Performs a delete of new row on existing uncommitted row.
delete(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.WriteOperations
Deletes row from database using primary key(s) with Cached.delete().
delete(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.DeleteOperation
Deletes a row.
delete(Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.DeleteOperation
Deletes rows based upon parameters.
delete(Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Deletes by primary key.
delete(R) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Deletes by primary key.
deleteAll() - Method in class
Deletes all records in table.
deleteAll(Collection<R>) - Method in class
Deletes many records by primary key.
DeleteAll<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
DeleteAll(ActiveTable<R>) - Constructor for class
DeleteAll(ActiveTable<R>, Collection<R>) - Constructor for class
deleteAll(Collection<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.DeleteOperation
Deletes all rows in collection.
deleteAll(Collection<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Deletes many rows by primary key.
deleteAll() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Deletes all rows in table.
deleteAllBatch(Collection<R>) - Method in class
Deletes many records by primary key in batch mode.
DeleteAllBatch<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
DeleteAllBatch(ActiveTable<R>, Collection<R>) - Constructor for class
deleteAllBatch(Collection<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Deletes many rows by primary key in batch mode.
deleteBatch() - Method in class
Deletes record from database in batch mode.
deleteBatch(R) - Method in class
Deletes by primary key in batch mode.
DeleteBatch<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
DeleteBatch(ActiveTable<R>, R) - Constructor for class
deleteBatch(R) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Deletes by primary key in batch mode.
DeleteCascade - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation.cascade
Used within a Cascade annotation to define a cascade delete operation.
DeleteCascadeAnnotationReader - Class in org.sormula.annotation.cascade
Reads delete cascade annotation information for a field.
DeleteCascadeAnnotationReader(Field) - Constructor for class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.DeleteCascadeAnnotationReader
Constructs for a field.
DeleteCascadeOperation<S,T> - Class in org.sormula.operation.cascade
Cascade that deletes rows from target table when source operation initiates a cascade.
DeleteCascadeOperation(DeleteOperation<S>, RowField<S, ?>, Table<T>, DeleteCascade) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.cascade.DeleteCascadeOperation
Constructor used by DeleteOperation.
deleted(R) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Indicates that a row was deleted from database.
deleted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.ReadOnlyCache
Indicates that a row was deleted from database.
deleted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedDelete
deleted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedInsert
deleted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedSelect
deleted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedUpdate
deleted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.ReadWriteCache
Throws IllegalCacheOperationException since writable ReadWriteCache should never be notified of a delete since ReadWriteCache will be deleting from the database.
deleted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Notifies cache that row has been deleted from database.
deleted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.UncommittedWritableRow
Throws IllegalCacheOperationException since this method should not be used.
DeleteOperation<R> - Class in org.sormula.operation
SQL delete operation for row of type R.
DeleteOperation(Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.DeleteOperation
Constructs standard sql delete for primary key as:
DELETE FROM table WHERE primary key clause
DeleteOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.DeleteOperation
Constructs for standard sql delete statement as:
DelimitedNameTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator
Converts name to name surrounded with delimiters.
DelimitedNameTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.DelimitedNameTranslator
Constructs for default opening and closing delimiters of double quotes.
DelimitedNameTranslator(String, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.DelimitedNameTranslator
deriveSqlOperationAttributes() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Sets the sql operation attributes that are the same as source attributes for all levels.
deriveSqlOperationAttributes() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.ModifyCascadeOperation
deriveSqlOperationAttributes() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SelectCascadeOperation
detach() - Method in class
Sets active database to null.
DirectAccessField<C,T> - Class in org.sormula.reflect
Provides direct access to a field within a row class.
DirectAccessField(Field) - Constructor for class org.sormula.reflect.DirectAccessField
Constructs for a field.
DoubleTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setDouble(int, double) and ResultSet.getDouble(int).
DoubleTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.DoubleTranslator
DuplicateCacheException - Exception in org.sormula.cache
Indicates that a duplicate set of primary key(s) already exists in the cache.
DuplicateCacheException(Object...) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.cache.DuplicateCacheException
Constructs for the duplicate keys.
DurableLazySelector<R> - Class in org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy
A lazy cascade selector that uses a DataSource or data source name to create the Database when performing the lazy select.
DurableLazySelector() - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.DurableLazySelector
Constructs for use when DurableLazySelector is base class of row that will contain lazy select fields.
DurableLazySelector(R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.DurableLazySelector
Constructs for use as delegate for row that will contain lazy select fields.


ElapsedTime - Class in org.sormula.operation.monitor
Records elapsed time in nanoseconds.
ElapsedTime(String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
Constructs for name and no other totals.
ElapsedTime(String, ElapsedTime, ElapsedTime) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
Constructs for name, total, and parent.
EmptySormulaLogger - Class in org.sormula.log
A SormulaLogger that logs nothing.
EmptySormulaLogger(String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.log.EmptySormulaLogger
enumToColumn(Enum<T>) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumToStringTranslator
Converts an Enum constant to column value with Enum.toString().
enumToColumn(Enum<T>) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumTranslator
Converts an Enum constant to a value that will be stored in the table column.
EnumToStringTranslator<T extends java.lang.Enum<T>> - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
TypeTranslator to use for Enum fields.
EnumToStringTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumToStringTranslator
EnumTranslator<T extends java.lang.Enum<T>> - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
TypeTranslator to use for Enum fields.
EnumTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumTranslator
EnumType - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
Defines how to map Enum to/from a table column.
equals(Object) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.CacheKey
error(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
error(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
error(Marker, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
error(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
error(Marker, String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
error(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
error(String, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
error(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
error(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
error(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ConsoleSormulaLogger
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ConsoleSormulaLogger
error(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.EmptySormulaLogger
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.EmptySormulaLogger
error(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.JavaSormulaLogger
Logs Level.SEVERE level.
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.JavaSormulaLogger
Logs Level.SEVERE level.
error(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.Log4jSormulaLogger
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.Log4jSormulaLogger
error(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.Slf4jSormulaLogger
error(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.Slf4jSormulaLogger
error(String) - Method in interface org.sormula.log.SormulaLogger
Logs error message.
error(String, Throwable) - Method in interface org.sormula.log.SormulaLogger
Logs error message and cause.
evict(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Removes row from the cache.
evict(R) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Removes row from cache.
evictAll() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Removes all rows from the cache.
evictAll() - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Removes all rows from cache.
execute() - Method in class
Executes ActiveOperation.operate() within a try/catch and transaction.
execute(SqlOperation<R>) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Notification that a SqlOperation for the cached table is about to execute.
execute(SqlOperation<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.ReadOnlyCache
Prepares cache for use.
execute(SqlOperation<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.ReadWriteCache
Prepares cache for use.
execute() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Executes operation for all row parameters using current prepared statement.
execute() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Executes by updating all row(s) using UpdateOperation.
execute() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Performs query.
execute() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Invokes an execute method on a prepared statement.
execute() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
Executes the select operation and positions to the first page.
ExpandedNameTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator
Converts name from CamelCase (mixed case) to a SQL name that is case insensitive with a delimiter between each word.
ExpandedNameTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.ExpandedNameTranslator
Constructs for a default word delimiter of "_".
ExplicitType - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
Associates a type with a TypeTranslator.
ExplicitTypeAnnotationReader - Class in org.sormula.annotation
Reads ExplicitType annotations from classes.
ExplicitTypeAnnotationReader(TypeTranslatorMap, Class<?>...) - Constructor for class org.sormula.annotation.ExplicitTypeAnnotationReader
Constructs for classes that may contain the annotation.
ExplicitTypes - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
List of ExplicitType.


FieldAccessType - Enum in org.sormula.reflect
Defines the type of access for a row field.
FieldExtractor<R> - Class in org.sormula.reflect
Utility to get field values from a row class as defined by ColumnTranslator.
FieldExtractor(AbstractWhereTranslator<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.reflect.FieldExtractor
Constructs for where translator columns.
FieldExtractor(RowTranslator<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.reflect.FieldExtractor
Constructs for all fields in row.
fieldToBlob(T) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractBlobColumnTranslator
Converts a domain object to a Blob for use by AbstractBlobColumnTranslator.write(PreparedStatement, int, Object).
FloatTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setFloat(int, float) and ResultSet.getFloat(int).
FloatTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.FloatTranslator
flush() - Method in class
Writes all uncommitted cache to the database and removes all cached records.
flush() - Method in class
Writes uncommitted table cache records to database and removes them from the cache.
flush() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Invokes Table.flush() on all known table objects in this database.
flush() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Writes uncommitted cache changes to database and then evicts all rows from cache.
format(long) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
Formats the elapsed time using the current time format.
format(ElapsedTime) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Formats an ElapsedTime into a standard format.


get(C) - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.DirectAccessField
Gets field value directly (non method access) using Field.get(Object).
get(C) - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.MethodAccessField
Gets field value with row getter method using Method.invoke(Object, Object...).
get(C) - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.RowField
Gets value from get method of an object using reflection.
getActiveDatabase() - Method in class
getActiveDatabase() - Method in class
Gets the active database.
getActiveDatabase() - Method in class
Gets the active database associated with this transaction.
getActiveDatabase() - Method in class
Gets the active database supplied in the constructor.
getActiveTransaction() - Method in class
Gets the transaction in use by this active database.
getActiveTransaction() - Method in class
Gets the active transaction if transaction is in use.
getAnnotation() - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cache.CachedAnnotationReader
Gets annotation.
getAnnotation(String) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.OrderByAnnotationReader
Gets annotation for a specific name.
getAnnotation(String) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.WhereAnnotationReader
Gets annotation for a specific name.
getAverageTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
getBaseSql() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets the sql used by this operation.
getCache() - Method in class
Gets this table's cache.
getCache() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Gets the cache for this table.
getCachedAnnotation() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Gets the annotations used to configure cache.
getCacheKey() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Gets the cache key for uncommitted row.
getCascadeDepth() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets the depth of the cascade graph relative to the root cascade operation.
getCascadeFieldList() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Gets list of fields that are to be cascaded.
getClassLogger() - Static method in class org.sormula.log.SormulaLoggerFactory
Gets a logger with logical log name as package name of the caller of this method.
getClosingDelimiter() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.DelimitedNameTranslator
Gets the closing delimiter.
getColumnEnumMap() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumToStringTranslator
Gets the map of Enum's that were built by EnumToStringTranslator.setEnumClass(Class) for use in converting database values to Enum's in EnumToStringTranslator.columnToEnum(Object).
getColumnName() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractColumnTranslator
Gets the SQL column name.
getColumnName() - Method in interface org.sormula.translator.ColumnTranslator
Gets the SQL column name.
getColumnTranslator(String) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Gets a column translator associated with a field.
getColumnTranslatorList() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Gets list of all column translators used by this translator.
getCommitted(CacheKey) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Gets a row from committed cache.
getCommittedCache() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Gets the map that stores committed rows.
getConnection() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Gets connection to use for sql operations.
getConnection() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets the JDBC connection from the Database associated with this operation.
getConnection() - Method in class org.sormula.Transaction
Gets the connection supplied in the constructor.
getCount() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
getCount() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTimeSource
getCustomSql() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets custom sql set with SqlOperation.setCustomSql(String).
getDatabase() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Gets the database to use for lazy select.
getDatabase() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Gets the database supplied in constructor.
getDataSource() - Method in class
Gets the data source.
getDataSource() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Gets data source supplied in constructors, Database.Database(DataSource) and Database.Database(DataSource, String).
getDataSource() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.DurableLazySelector
Gets the DataSource from database used by DurableLazySelector.pendingLazySelects(Database).
getDataSourceName() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Gets the JNDI name to use to look up DataSource.
getDataSourceName() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.DurableLazySelector
Gets the JNDI name to use to look up DataSource.
getDeclaredField(String) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Gets a declared field of ColumnsTranslator.getRowClass().
getDeclaredField(Class<?>, String) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Recursively searches for declared field in superclass(es) of clazz and then clazz parameter.
getDeclaredFields() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Gets all of the declared fields for ColumnsTranslator.getRowClass().
getDeclaredFields(Class<?>, List<Field[]>) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Recursively searches for declared fields in super class(es) of clazz and then clazz parameter.
getDefault() - Static method in class
Gets the active database to use when none is specified.
getDefaultEnum() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumTranslator
Gets the default Enum associated with EnumTranslator.getDefaultEnumName().
getDefaultEnumName() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumTranslator
Gets the name of the Enum to use in, int) when the value read from database cannot be found in Class.getEnumConstants() of class EnumTranslator.getEnumClass().
getDefaultReadAllSize() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Gets the default size to allocate for Collection C by SelectOperation.createReadAllCollection().
getDeleteCascades() - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.DeleteCascadeAnnotationReader
getDepth() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Gets the depth of the cascade graph relative to the root cascade operation.
getDescription() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
getEnumClass() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumTranslator
Gets the class of Enum that is translated.
getExecuteTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
getFetchSize() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Gets the JDBC fetch size set with SelectOperation.setFetchSize(int).
getField() - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.RowField
Gets field supplied in constructor.
getField() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractColumnTranslator
Gets the Java field that participates in translation.
getField() - Method in interface org.sormula.translator.ColumnTranslator
Gets the Java field that participates in translation.
getFieldAccessType() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Gets the field access type to use for all fields in row if no access type has been specified for Column.
getFieldValues(R) - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.FieldExtractor
Gets the values of fields for a row.
getFilterPredicateMap() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SelectCascadeOperation
Gets a map of all filters used by this operation and lower level cascades.
getFilterPredicateMap() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Gets all filters defined for this operation.
getForeignKeyReferenceField() - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Gets the field name of that contains foreign key reference in target (child) rows.
getForeignKeyReferenceFieldName() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Gets the name of the foreign key reference field in the target (child) rows.
getForeignKeyValueFieldNames() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Gets the field key value field names in target (child) rows.
getForeignKeyValueFields() - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Gets the field names of foreign key values in target (child) rows.
getFormattedAverageTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
getFormattedTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
getGetKeyMethodName() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.MapSelectOperation
Return the name of the method for the row R that returns the Map key K.
getGetMethod() - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.MethodAccessField
getHits() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Gets the number of times that requested row was in cache.
getId() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTimeSource
Unique id for this stack location.
getIdentityColumnTranslator() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Column translator used to set the value of a row column that is the identity column for row.
getInsertCascades() - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.InsertCascadeAnnotationReader
getKey(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.MapSelectOperation
Gets key for row.
getKeyFieldCount() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Gets number of key fields.
getKeyFunction() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.MapSelectOperation
Gets the function used to obtain the map key from a row.
getLazySelectCascadeFields() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Gets fields for table record class that are annotated with SelectCascade.lazy() true.
getListeners() - Method in class org.sormula.Transaction
Gets list of listeners that were added with Transaction.addListener(TransactionListener).
getLocation() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTimeSource
getLoggerClass() - Static method in class org.sormula.log.SormulaLoggerFactory
Gets the logger class to use in SormulaLoggerFactory.getClassLogger().
getMaximumRowsRead() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Gets the maximum number of rows to read from result set.
getMisses() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Gets the number of times that requested row was not in cache.
getModifyCounts() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Gets the number of rows that were modified.
getModifyCounts() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
For each row saved, gets modify counts either from ModifyOperation.getModifyCounts() if row was updated or from ModifyOperation.getModifyCounts() if row was inserted.
getName() - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Gets the name of the cascade as defined by, or, or
getName() - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
getName() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
getNamedParameterMap() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Gets the map of named parameters.
getNamedParameterMap() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets map of all named parameters.
getNameTranslatorClasses() - Method in class
Gets the default name translators to be used when none are defined for the table.
getNameTranslatorClasses() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Gets the default name translator classes for tables when none is specified for the table.
getNameTranslators() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Gets the name translators used by Table.translateName(String).
getNextParameter() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets the next JDBC parameter number used by PreparedStatement to set parameters.
getOpeningDelimiter() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.DelimitedNameTranslator
Gets the opening delimiter.
getOperationDatabase() - Method in class
Gets the database used in ActiveOperation.execute().
getOperationDatabase() - Method in class
Gets operation database for this transaction.
getOperationTime(String) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Gets the operation time for a specific timing id.
getOperationTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets the timings for this operation that have accumulated since SqlOperation.setTimings(boolean) have been enabled.
getOperationTimeMap() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Gets operation times for all operations have been executed.
getOperationTransaction() - Method in class
Gets the operation transaction created by this transaction.
getOrderByName() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Gets order by name that was set with ScalarSelectOperation.setOrderBy(String).
getOrderByName() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.AbstractPaginatedListSelector
Gets order by name that was set with AbstractPaginatedListSelector.setOrderByName(String).
getOrderByTranslator() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
getPageNumber() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
getPageSize() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
Gets the page size that was specified in the constructor.
getParameter(String) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets value of named parameter that was set with SqlOperation.setParameter(String, Object) or SqlOperation.setNamedParameterMap(Map).
getParameter(String) - Method in class org.sormula.selector.AbstractPaginatedListSelector
Gets value of named parameter set with AbstractPaginatedListSelector.setParameter(String, Object).
getParameters() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets parameters that were set by SqlOperation.setParameters(Object...).
getParameters() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.AbstractPaginatedListSelector
Gets the parameters that were set by AbstractPaginatedListSelector.setParameters(Object...).
getParameters() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractWhereTranslator
getParent() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
getPendingLazySelectFields() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Gets the fields that will be initialized with lazy select.
getPercentHits() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Gets hits as a percentage of total requests.
getPreparedSql() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets sql that was used in SqlOperation.prepare().
getPreparedStatement() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets the prepared statement used by this operation.
getPrepareTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
getPrimaryKeyExtractor() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Gets the FieldExtractor used to get all primary key values from a row.
getPrimaryKeys() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.CacheKey
Gets primary key(s) as Object array.
getPrimaryKeyValues(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Gets the primary key values from a row as Object array.
getPrimaryKeyWhereTranslator() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Gets primary key translator for use in where clause.
getQualifiedTableName() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Gets table name used in sql statements with optional schema prefix if necessary.
getQueryTimeout() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement object to execute.
getReadTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
getRecordClass() - Method in class
Class definition of this record.
getRecordClass() - Method in class
Gets the record class.
getRequiredCascades() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Returns source operation SqlOperation.getRequiredCascades().
getRequiredCascades() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets the required cascade names.
getRequiredCascades() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Gets the required cascade names.
getResultSet() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Gets the result set of the most recent select.
getResultSetType() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Gets the type of result set to use.
getRow() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Gets the row associated with this uncommitted row.
getRowClass() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
getRowClass() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Gets Java class type for row.
getRowField() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractColumnTranslator
Gets the RowField for field in this translator.
getRows() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Gets the rows that will be modified.
getRowsAffected() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Gets the number of rows affected from most recent invocation of ModifyOperation.execute().
getRowsReadCount() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Gets the count of rows that were read since the most recent ScalarSelectOperation.execute().
getRowTranslator() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Gets the row translator for converting row values to/from sql parameters.
getRowTranslator() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractWhereTranslator
Gets row translator that was supplied in constructor.
getSaveCascades() - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.SaveCascadeAnnotationReader
getSchema() - Method in class
Gets the schema.
getSchema() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Gets the schema name supplied in constructor.
getSchema() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.DurableLazySelector
Gets the schema from database used by DurableLazySelector.pendingLazySelects(Database).
getSelectCascades() - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.SelectCascadeAnnotationReader
getSelectedRows() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Gets collection of rows that were selected with SelectOperation.readAll().
getSetMethod() - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.MethodAccessField
getSource() - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Gets the source field supplied in constructor.
getSource() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Gets the owner of the field(s) that will be lazily selected.
getSourceOperation() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Gets operation that triggered this cascade.
getSourceRow() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Source row of cascade set by CascadeOperation.cascade(Object).
getSourceTable() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Gets Table that originates (is source of) cascade.
getSql() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Gets full sql statement to prepare.
getSql() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets full sql statement to prepare.
getTable() - Method in class
Gets the table used in ActiveOperation.execute().
getTable(Class<R>) - Method in class
Gets table object for reading/writing row objects of type R from/to table.
getTable() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Gets table that is cached.
getTable(Class<R>, boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Gets table object for reading/writing row objects of type R from/to table.
getTable(Class<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Gets table object for reading/writing row objects of type R from/to table.
getTable() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets the table provided in the constructor.
getTable() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.AbstractPaginatedListSelector
getTableName() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Gets the table name used in sql statements.
getTargetClass() - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Gets the class of the field that will be affected by cascade.
getTargetField() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Gets target field as RowField.
getTargetForeignKeyValueFieldList() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
getTargetTable() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
getTargetTable(Class<?>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets a table object from database associated with this operation.
getTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
getTimeFormat() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
getTimingId() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
getTimingId() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets the timing id for this operation.
getTotal() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
getTotalOperationTime() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
getTotalTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
getTransaction() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Gets transaction for connection.
getTypeTranslator(Class<?>) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Gets the translator to use to convert a value to a prepared statement and to convert a value from a result set.
getTypeTranslator(String) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Same as Database.getTypeTranslator(Class) but uses class name.
getTypeTranslator(Class<?>) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Gets the translator to use to convert a value to a prepared statement or to convert from a result set.
getTypeTranslator() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractColumnTranslator
getTypeTranslator(Class<?>) - Method in interface org.sormula.translator.TypeTranslatorMap
Gets the translator to use to convert a value to a prepared statement and to convert a value from a result set.
getUncommitted(CacheKey) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Gets a row from uncommitted cache.
getUncommittedCache() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Gets the map that stores uncommitted rows.
getUnusedColumnInsertNamesSql() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Gets names of unused columns for insert statement.
getUnusedColumnInsertValuesSql() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Gets values for unused columns for insert statement.
getUnusedColumnUpdateSql() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Gets column=value for all unused columns for update statement.
getUpdateCascades() - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.UpdateCascadeAnnotationReader
getWhereAnnotation() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets the where annotation in use by this operation.
getWhereConditionName() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets where condition name supplied in SqlOperation.setWhere(String)
getWhereConditionName() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.AbstractPaginatedListSelector
Gets where condition name supplied in AbstractPaginatedListSelector.setWhere(String)
getWhereTranslator() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets the translator to map row object values into where condition.
getWordDelimiter() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ExpandedNameTranslator
Gets the delimiter to use between words in sql names.
getWriteTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
GregorianCalendarTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates a GregorianCalendar using PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(int, java.sql.Timestamp) and ResultSet.getTimestamp(int).
GregorianCalendarTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.GregorianCalendarTranslator


hashCode() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.CacheKey
HashMapSelectOperation<K,R> - Class in org.sormula.operation
MapSelectOperation that uses HashMap for SelectOperation.readAll() results.
HashMapSelectOperation(Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.HashMapSelectOperation
Constructs for a table to use primary key where condition.
HashMapSelectOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.HashMapSelectOperation
Constructs for a table and where condition.
hasNext() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectIterator
Tests if there is a row available for
hit() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Increments hit count.


IllegalCacheOperationException - Exception in org.sormula.cache
Invalid use of method by invoking methods in a manner that violates the cache contract.
IllegalCacheOperationException() - Constructor for exception org.sormula.cache.IllegalCacheOperationException
IllegalCacheStateException - Exception in org.sormula.cache
Invalid cache state caused by cache activity outside of a transaction or failure to commit or rollback transaction.
IllegalCacheStateException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.cache.IllegalCacheStateException
Constructs for a message.
IllegalCacheStateException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.cache.IllegalCacheStateException
Constructs for a message and cause.
ImplicitType - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
Defines a TypeTranslator for a row field or row field class.
ImplicitTypeAnnotationReader - Class in org.sormula.annotation
Reads ImplicitType annotations from classes.
ImplicitTypeAnnotationReader(TypeTranslatorMap, Field) - Constructor for class org.sormula.annotation.ImplicitTypeAnnotationReader
Constructs for classes that may contain the annotation.
incrementCount() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTimeSource
Increments the count by 1.
info(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
info(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
info(Marker, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
info(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
info(Marker, String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
info(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
info(String, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
info(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
info(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
info(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
info(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ConsoleSormulaLogger
info(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.EmptySormulaLogger
info(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.JavaSormulaLogger
info(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.Log4jSormulaLogger
info(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.Slf4jSormulaLogger
info(String) - Method in interface org.sormula.log.SormulaLogger
Logs informational message.
init(OneToManyCascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes common values when OneToManyCascade is annotated on source field.
init(OneToOneCascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes common values when OneToOneCascade is annotated on source field.
init(Cascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes common values when Cascade is annotated on source field.
init(String) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Invoked by constructor to initialize.
init(SelectOperation<R, C>) - Method in class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
init(RowTranslator<R>, Where) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.WhereTranslator
initBaseSql() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.aggregate.SelectAggregateOperation
initBaseSql() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.DeleteOperation
initBaseSql() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
initBaseSql() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Sets the base sql with SqlOperation.setBaseSql(String).
initBaseSql() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.UpdateOperation
initCache() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Initialize cache for this table.
initCachedAnnotation() - Method in class
Looks for Cache annotation in record, OperationDatabase, and ActiveDatabase.
initCachedAnnotation() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Gets the annotation that defines caching.
initCascade(Cascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when Cascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initCascade(Cascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.DeleteCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when Cascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initCascade(Cascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.InsertCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when Cascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initCascade(Cascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.SaveCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when Cascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initCascade(Cascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.SelectCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when Cascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initCascade(Cascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.UpdateCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when Cascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initColumnTranslatorList(int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractWhereTranslator
Initializes objects to hold all column information.
initColumnTranslatorList(int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Initializes objects to hold all column information.
initColumnTranslatorList(int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.OrderByTranslator
Initializes objects to hold all column information.
initColumnTranslators() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Process Transient and Cascade annotations.
initCommittedCache() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Initializes committed map with initial capacity of Cached.size().
initNameTranslators(Row) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Initialize all name translators annotated on table.
initOneToManyCascade(OneToManyCascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when OneToManyCascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initOneToManyCascade(OneToManyCascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.DeleteCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when OneToManyCascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initOneToManyCascade(OneToManyCascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.InsertCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when OneToManyCascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initOneToManyCascade(OneToManyCascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.SaveCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when OneToManyCascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initOneToManyCascade(OneToManyCascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.SelectCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when OneToManyCascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initOneToManyCascade(OneToManyCascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.UpdateCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when OneToManyCascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initOneToOneCascade(OneToOneCascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when OneToOneCascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initOneToOneCascade(OneToOneCascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.DeleteCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when OneToOneCascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initOneToOneCascade(OneToOneCascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.InsertCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when OneToOneCascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initOneToOneCascade(OneToOneCascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.SaveCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when OneToOneCascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initOneToOneCascade(OneToOneCascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.SelectCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when OneToOneCascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initOneToOneCascade(OneToOneCascade) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.UpdateCascadeAnnotationReader
Initializes when OneToOneCascade is annotated on source field (or implied as default when no annotation is used).
initOperationTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Initializes OperationTime object that will record elapsed times for this operation.
initPendingLazySelectCascadeFields() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Initializes map of all fields that have a lazy select.
initRowTranslator(Row) - Method in class
Creates a RowTranslator for use by this table.
initRowTranslator(Row) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Creates a RowTranslator for use by this table.
initSimpleOrderByColumns(RowTranslator<R>, String[], String) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.OrderByTranslator
Initializes when all columns used the same qualifier.
initTableName(Row) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Initializes table name from row annotation.
initTargetClass(Class<?>) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Sets the class type for target field that will be affected by cascade.
initTransaction(Connection) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Constructs a transaction to use.
initTypeTranslatorMap() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Invoked by constructor to initialize default type translators and type translators annotated on Database class.
initTypeTranslatorMap() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Initializes type translators for table.
initUncommittedCache() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Initializes uncommitted map with initial capacity of 1/2 of Cached.size().
initUnusedColumnSql(Class<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Process UnusedColumns annotations.
insert() - Method in class
Inserts record into database.
insert(R) - Method in class
Inserts one record into table.
Insert<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
Insert(ActiveTable<R>, R) - Constructor for class
insert(R) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Performs an equivalent to SQL insert on cache for row.
insert(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.ReadOnlyCache
Returns false since read only cache never writes to database and is never authority for row.
insert(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedReadOnlyRow
Throws IllegalCacheOperationException since this method should not be used for ReadOnlyCache.
insert(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.ReadWriteCache
Performs an equivalent to SQL insert on cache for row.
insert(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedDelete
insert(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedInsert
insert(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSave
insert(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSelect
insert(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedUpdate
insert(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Performs an insert of new row on existing uncommitted row.
insert(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.WriteOperations
Inserts row into database with Cached.insert().
insert(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
Inserts a row.
insert(Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
Inserts rows based upon parameters.
insert(R) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Inserts one row into table.
insertAll(Collection<R>) - Method in class
Inserts collection of records.
InsertAll<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
InsertAll(ActiveTable<R>, Collection<R>) - Constructor for class
insertAll(Collection<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
Inserts all rows in collection.
insertAll(Collection<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Inserts collection of rows.
insertAllBatch(Collection<R>) - Method in class
Inserts collection of records in batch mode.
InsertAllBatch<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
InsertAllBatch(ActiveTable<R>, Collection<R>) - Constructor for class
insertAllBatch(Collection<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Inserts a collection of rows in batch mode.
insertBatch() - Method in class
Inserts record into database in batch mode.
insertBatch(R) - Method in class
Inserts an a record in batch mode.
InsertBatch<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
InsertBatch(ActiveTable<R>, R) - Constructor for class
insertBatch(R) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Inserts row into table in batch mode.
InsertCascade - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation.cascade
Used within a Cascade annotation to define a cascade insert operation.
InsertCascadeAnnotationReader - Class in org.sormula.annotation.cascade
Reads insert cascade annotation information for a field.
InsertCascadeAnnotationReader(Field) - Constructor for class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.InsertCascadeAnnotationReader
Constructs for a field.
InsertCascadeOperation<S,T> - Class in org.sormula.operation.cascade
Cascade that inserts rows into target table when source operation initiates a cascade.
InsertCascadeOperation(InsertOperation<S>, RowField<S, ?>, Table<T>, InsertCascade) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.cascade.InsertCascadeOperation
Constructor used by InsertOperation.
inserted(R) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Indicates that a row was inserted into database.
inserted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.ReadOnlyCache
Indicates that a row was inserted into database.
inserted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedDelete
inserted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedInsert
inserted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedSelect
inserted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedUpdate
inserted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.ReadWriteCache
If table does not have an identity column, then throws IllegalCacheOperationException since writable ReadWriteCache should never be notified of an insert of non identity row since ReadWriteCache will be inserting the database.
inserted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Notifies cache that row has been inserted into database.
inserted(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.UncommittedWritableRow
Throws IllegalCacheOperationException since this method should not be used.
InsertOperation<R> - Class in org.sormula.operation
SQL insert operation for row of type R.
InsertOperation(Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
Constructs for standard sql insert statement as:
INSERT INTO table (c1, c2, c3, ...) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ...)
InsertOperation(Table<R>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
Constructs for optional identity column.
install() - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.ExplicitTypeAnnotationReader
Reads ExplicitType annotations from sources and adds them to type map if they are not already defined.
install() - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.ImplicitTypeAnnotationReader
Reads ImplicitType annotations from sources and adds them to type map if they are not already defined.
InstantTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates Instant using PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(int, java.sql.Timestamp) and ResultSet.getTimestamp(int).
InstantTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.InstantTranslator
IntegerTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setInt(int, int) and ResultSet.getInt(int).
IntegerTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.IntegerTranslator
isActive() - Method in class org.sormula.Transaction
Reports if transaction is ongoing.
isArray() - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.RowField
Gets field array type.
isAutoGeneratedKeys() - Method in class
Gets the most recent value of ActiveDatabase.setAutoGeneratedKeys(boolean).
isAutoGeneratedKeys() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Gets the most recent value of Database.setAutoGeneratedKeys(boolean).
isAutoGeneratedKeys() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
If true, Statement.getGeneratedKeys() is used to read column defined as identity and then sets the generated key value in the row.
isAutoGeneratedKeys() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Gets the most recent value of Table.setAutoGeneratedKeys(boolean).
isBatch() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.ModifyCascadeOperation
Returns source operation ModifyOperation.isBatch().
isBatch() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Gets batch mode.
isBooleanMethod() - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.RowField
Reports boolean return type of field.
isCached() - Method in class
Tests if this table is cached.
isCached() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets the caching mode.
isCached() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Indicates if table is cached.
isCascade() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets cascade status.
isCascading() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Indicates that cascades will occur with this operation.
isClass(Class<?>) - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.RowField
Tests if field is instance of class.
isCollection() - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.RowField
Gets field Collection inheritance.
isCollectionOperand() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractWhereTranslator
Tests if where condition contains at least one column with an operand that use a collection as a parameter.
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
isDebugEnabled(Marker) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.sormula.log.ConsoleSormulaLogger
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.sormula.log.EmptySormulaLogger
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.sormula.log.JavaSormulaLogger
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.sormula.log.Log4jSormulaLogger
isDebugEnabled() - Method in class org.sormula.log.Slf4jSormulaLogger
isDebugEnabled() - Method in interface org.sormula.log.SormulaLogger
Reports when messages are logged with SormulaLogger.debug(String).
isErrorEnabled() - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
isErrorEnabled(Marker) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
isExecuted() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Indicates if ScalarSelectOperation.execute() has been invoked.
isFirstIgnored() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
isIdentity() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractColumnTranslator
Gets the identity status.
isIdentity() - Method in interface org.sormula.translator.ColumnTranslator
Gets the identity status.
isIgnoreFirst() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
isIncluded(ColumnTranslator<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Tests if a column should be used.
isIncludeIdentityColumns() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Tests if identity columns are used in this operation.
isIncludeIdentityColumns() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Tests if identity columns are used by this translator.
isIncludeReadOnlyColumns() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Tests if readonly columns are used by this translator.
isInfoEnabled() - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
isInfoEnabled(Marker) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
isInheritedFields() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Reports if super class fields are used.
isLazySelectsCascades() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Reports that operation has at least one field with SelectCascade.lazy() true.
isLocalTransaction() - Method in class
Reports type of transaction used.
isLocalTransaction() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Reports if this class has created a transaction for use when performing a lazy select.
isMap() - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.RowField
Gets field Map inheritance.
isNotifyLazySelects() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Reports that ScalarSelectOperation.isLazySelectsCascades() is true and row is instance of LazySelectable.
isPendingLazySelects() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Reports lazy select status.
isPost() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
isPrimaryKey() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets primary key status.
isReadOnly() - Method in class
Gets read-only indicator.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Gets read-only indicator.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Gets read-only indicator.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Gets read-only indicator.
isReadOnly() - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractColumnTranslator
Gets the readonly status.
isReadOnly() - Method in interface org.sormula.translator.ColumnTranslator
Gets the readonly status.
isRequiredCascade(String) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Tests if a cascade name equals current required cascade names.
isScalar() - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.RowField
Reports if field is scalar.
isScrollSensitive() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
Gets the result set scroll sensitivity that was specified in the constructor.
isSourcePrimaryKeyFields() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SelectCascadeOperation
isSourceTargetFieldNames() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SelectCascadeOperation
isTimings() - Method in class
Gets status of timings.
isTimings() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Gets status of timings.
isTimings() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
isTraceEnabled() - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
isTraceEnabled(Marker) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
isUseTransaction() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Reports if a transaction will be created if needed.
isWarnEnabled() - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
isWarnEnabled(Marker) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
isWhereForeignKeyValueFields() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SelectCascadeOperation
isWhereSourceFieldNames() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SelectCascadeOperation
isWritten() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.UncommittedWritableRow
Indicates that row has been written to database.
iterator() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Creates iterator for results of this operation.


JavaSormulaLogger - Class in org.sormula.log
A SormulaLogger that logs using java.util.logging Logger.
JavaSormulaLogger(String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.log.JavaSormulaLogger


LazyCascadeException - Exception in org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy
Exception that originates with lazy cascade operations.
LazyCascadeException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.LazyCascadeException
Constructs for a message.
LazyCascadeException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.LazyCascadeException
Constructs for a message and cause.
lazySelect(Field) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Performs lazy select for all select cascades of field where SelectCascade.lazy() is true.
LazySelectable - Interface in org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy
Interface for notifying and performing lazy select cascades.
LinkedHashMapSelectOperation<K,R> - Class in org.sormula.operation
MapSelectOperation that uses LinkedHashMap for SelectOperation.readAll() results.
LinkedHashMapSelectOperation(Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.LinkedHashMapSelectOperation
Constructs for a table to use primary key where condition.
LinkedHashMapSelectOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.LinkedHashMapSelectOperation
Constructs for a table and where condition.
ListSelectOperation<R> - Class in org.sormula.operation
SelectOperation that uses List for SelectOperation.readAll() results.
ListSelectOperation(Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.ListSelectOperation
Constructs for a table to use primary key where condition.
ListSelectOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.ListSelectOperation
Constructs for a table and where condition.
LocalDateTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates LocalDate using PreparedStatement.setDate(int, java.sql.Date) and ResultSet.getDate(int).
LocalDateTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.LocalDateTranslator
LocalTimeTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates LocalTime using PreparedStatement.setTime(int, java.sql.Time) and ResultSet.getTime(int).
LocalTimeTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.LocalTimeTranslator
log() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Writes information to the log about the cache.
log() - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Writes state of cache to log for debugging.
log(String, String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ConsoleSormulaLogger
Log4jSormulaLogger - Class in org.sormula.log
A SormulaLogger that logs using log4j api.
Log4jSormulaLogger(String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.log.Log4jSormulaLogger
LogException - Exception in org.sormula.log
Exception that originates in the log package.
LogException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.log.LogException
Constructs for a message.
LogException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.log.LogException
Constructs for a message and cause.
logTimings() - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Logs all times from operation time map, Database.getOperationTimeMap() to log.
logTimings() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Writes prepare, write, execute, and read time to log along with average, total, and percent.
logTimings() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Logs current timings for this operation to log.
LongTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setLong(int, long) and ResultSet.getLong(int).
LongTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.LongTranslator
LowerCaseNameTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator
Converts name to lower case using String.toLowerCase().
LowerCaseNameTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.LowerCaseNameTranslator


MapSelectOperation<K,R> - Class in org.sormula.operation
SelectOperation that uses Map for SelectOperation.readAll() results.
MapSelectOperation(Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.MapSelectOperation
Constructs for a table to use primary key where condition.
MapSelectOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.MapSelectOperation
Constructs for a table and where condition.
MethodAccessField<C,T> - Class in org.sormula.reflect
Provides method access to a field within a row class.
MethodAccessField(Field) - Constructor for class org.sormula.reflect.MethodAccessField
Constructs for a field.
miss() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Increments miss count.
MissingFieldException - Exception in org.sormula.operation
Indicates a field name was not found in a class.
MissingFieldException(String, Class<?>) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.operation.MissingFieldException
Constructs for field and class where field is expected.
modify(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Modifies one row.
modify(Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Modifies row(s) with sql parameters as Objects.
modifyAll(Collection<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Modifies a collection of rows.
ModifyCascadeOperation<S,T> - Class in org.sormula.operation.cascade
Base class for cascades that modify database.
ModifyCascadeOperation(ModifyOperation<S>, RowField<S, ?>, Table<T>, Class<?>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.cascade.ModifyCascadeOperation
Constructs from source operation and targets of the cascade.
ModifyOperation<R> - Class in org.sormula.operation
Base class for operations that modify database.
ModifyOperation(Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Constructs for a table.


NameTranslator - Interface in org.sormula.translator
Converts a name to the corresponding SQL table or column name.
newActiveRecord() - Method in class
Creates a new active record of type R using zero-arg constructor.
newInstance(FieldAccessType, Field) - Static method in class org.sormula.reflect.RowField
Factory method to create concrete RowField subclass instance for a field.
newInstance(Class<? extends ColumnTranslator>, RowField<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractColumnTranslator
Factory method for creating a new instance of a column translator for a row field.
newRow() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Creates new instance of row.
next() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectIterator
Reads the next row from the select operation or returns the row found in most recent use of SelectIterator.hasNext().
nextPage() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
Move result set cursor to PaginatedSelector.getPageNumber() + 1
NoColumnTranslatorException - Exception in org.sormula.translator
Failed column translator lookup exception.
NoColumnTranslatorException(Class<?>, String, String) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.translator.NoColumnTranslatorException
NoDefaultActiveDatabaseException - Exception in
Indicates there is no active database defined but default was expected with ActiveDatabase.getDefault().
NoDefaultActiveDatabaseException() - Constructor for exception
Default constructor.
NoOperationTime - Class in org.sormula.operation.monitor
Do nothing implementation when no timings are desired.
NoOperationTime() - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.monitor.NoOperationTime
NoOpTransaction - Class in org.sormula
A Transaction that does not perform Connection.commit() or Connection.rollback().
NoOpTransaction(Connection) - Constructor for class org.sormula.NoOpTransaction
Constructs for a connection.
notifyBegin() - Method in class org.sormula.Transaction
Invokes TransactionListener.begin(Transaction) for all listeners.
notifyCacheModified(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.DeleteOperation
Notifies cache that row has been deleted from database.
notifyCacheModified(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
Notifies cache that row has been inserted into database.
notifyCacheModified(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Delegates to Cache.inserted(Object), Cache.updated(Object), Cache.deleted(Object) based upon the subclass operation.
notifyCacheModified(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Delegates to Cache.inserted(Object), Cache.updated(Object), Cache.deleted(Object) based upon the subclass operation.
notifyCacheModified(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.UpdateOperation
Notifies cache that row has been updated into database.
notifyCacheModify(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.DeleteOperation
Tests if row is managed by cache.
notifyCacheModify(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
Tests if row is managed by cache.
notifyCacheModify(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Delegates to Cache.insert(Object), Cache.update(Object), Cache.delete(Object) based upon the subclass operation.
notifyCacheModify(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Delegates to Cache.insert(Object), Cache.update(Object), Cache.delete(Object) based upon the subclass operation.
notifyCacheModify(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.UpdateOperation
Tests if row is managed by cache.
notifyCommit() - Method in class org.sormula.Transaction
Invokes TransactionListener.commit(Transaction) for all listeners.
notifyRollback() - Method in class org.sormula.Transaction
NoTypeTranslatorException - Exception in org.sormula.translator
No type translator defined.
NoTypeTranslatorException(Field) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.translator.NoTypeTranslatorException


ObjectTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setObject(int, Object) and ResultSet.getObject(int).
ObjectTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.ObjectTranslator
OneToManyCascade - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation.cascade
Cascade annotation for a one to many relationship between source row and target row.
OneToOneCascade - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation.cascade
Cascade annotation for a one to one relationship between source row and target row.
open() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.WriteOperations
Creates new instances of write operations and initializes them to be used by WriteOperations.insert(Object), WriteOperations.update(Object), WriteOperations.delete(Object), and
openDatabase() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Invoked by AbstractLazySelector.checkLazySelects(String) to create a Database instance that will be used to perform the lazy selects.
openDatabase() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.DurableLazySelector
Creates a new instance of a Database from data source name or data source obtained in DurableLazySelector.pendingLazySelects(Database).
openDatabase() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.SimpleLazySelector
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
Invoked by ActiveOperation.execute() to perform the operation.
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
operate() - Method in class
OperationDatabase - Class in
Database for one transaction within an ActiveOperation.
OperationDatabase(ActiveDatabase) - Constructor for class
Constructs for an active database.
OperationException - Exception in org.sormula.operation
Exception that originates in the operation package.
OperationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.operation.OperationException
Constructs for a message.
OperationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.operation.OperationException
Constructs for a message and cause.
OperationTable<R extends ActiveRecord> - Class in
A Table for use by one transaction within an ActiveOperation.
OperationTable(OperationDatabase, Class<R>) - Constructor for class
Constructs for an operation database and class or record.
OperationTime - Class in org.sormula.operation.monitor
Records execution times for subclasses of SqlOperation.
OperationTime(String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Constructs for a timing id.
OperationTime(String, OperationTime) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Constructs for a timing id and a parent summary.
OperationTimeSource - Class in org.sormula.operation.monitor
Information about stack location and frequency of occurrence for an OperationTime.
OperationTimeSource(StackTraceElement) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTimeSource
Constructs for a stack location.
OperationTransaction - Class in
A Transaction for use by classes in package.
OperationTransaction(OperationDatabase) - Constructor for class
Constructs for an operation database.
OrderBy - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
Defines columns to be used in a order phrase.
OrderByAnnotationReader - Class in org.sormula.annotation
Reads OrderBy annotations from a class.
OrderByAnnotationReader(Class<?>...) - Constructor for class org.sormula.annotation.OrderByAnnotationReader
Constructs for classes that may contain the annotation.
OrderByField - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
Defines a field within a OrderBy annotation.
OrderBys - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
Defines two or more OrderBy annotations.
OrderByTranslator<R> - Class in org.sormula.translator
Supplies order by phrase.
OrderByTranslator(RowTranslator<R>, OrderBy) - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.OrderByTranslator
Constructs for an order by annotation.
org.sormula - package org.sormula
Fundamental classes. - package
An implementation of the active record pattern built on top of sormula. - package
Thread-safe and transaction-compliant database operations used by ActiveTable.
org.sormula.annotation - package org.sormula.annotation
Annotations for row classes to define mapping between the row class and a database table.
org.sormula.annotation.cache - package org.sormula.annotation.cache
Annotations and supporting classes for defining cache configuration.
org.sormula.annotation.cascade - package org.sormula.annotation.cascade
Annotations for defining cascade relationships between two row classes.
org.sormula.cache - package org.sormula.cache
Fundamental classes used to implement caching that is specified by Cached.type().
org.sormula.cache.readonly - package org.sormula.cache.readonly
Implementation of ReadOnlyCache.
org.sormula.cache.readwrite - package org.sormula.cache.readwrite
Implementation of ReadWriteCache.
org.sormula.cache.writable - package org.sormula.cache.writable
The abstract WritableCache and supporting classes that are used for implementing a cache that writes rows to the database.
org.sormula.log - package org.sormula.log
Logging classes used by sormula.
org.sormula.operation - package org.sormula.operation
Classes that perform SQL operations such as select, update, insert, save, and delete.
org.sormula.operation.aggregate - package org.sormula.operation.aggregate
Classes that perform SQL aggregate operations such as MIN, MAX, AVG, COUNT.
org.sormula.operation.cascade - package org.sormula.operation.cascade
Classes that perform cascade (one-to-many and one-to-one) operations that are defined by cascade annotations.
org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy - package org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy
Implementation of lazy loading.
org.sormula.operation.monitor - package org.sormula.operation.monitor
Classes for recording and reporting execution times.
org.sormula.reflect - package org.sormula.reflect
Classes for performing Java reflection operations.
org.sormula.selector - package org.sormula.selector
Classes that select subsets of rows.
org.sormula.translator - package org.sormula.translator
Classes that provide mapping between columns and Java class members.
org.sormula.translator.standard - package org.sormula.translator.standard
Classes that convert values from standard Java data types to a prepared statement and to convert from result set to standard Java data types.


PaginatedListSelector<R> - Class in org.sormula.selector
PaginatedListSelector(int, Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedListSelector
Constructs for a page size and table.
PaginatedListSelector(int, Table<R>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedListSelector
Constructs for a page size, table and scroll sensitivity.
PaginatedSelector<R,C> - Class in org.sormula.selector
The base class for all selectors that return pages of rows using some SelectOperation.
PaginatedSelector(int, SelectOperation<R, C>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
Constructs for a page size and select operation.
PaginatedSelector(int, SelectOperation<R, C>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
Constructs for a page size, select operation, and scroll sensitivity.
PaginatedSelector(int, boolean) - Constructor for class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
Constructs for a page size and scroll sensitivity.
pause() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
Stops recording time until ElapsedTime.resume() is invoked.
pause() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.NoOperationTime
pause() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Stops recording the currently active time until OperationTime.resume() is invoked.
pendingLazySelects(Database) - Method in class
Informs a lazy selector that there are lazy selects to be performed.
pendingLazySelects(Database) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Notifies selector that at least one field has lazy select to be performed.
pendingLazySelects(Database) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.DurableLazySelector
DataSource and schema are obtained from database parameter.
pendingLazySelects(Database) - Method in interface org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.LazySelectable
Informs a lazy selector that there are lazy selects to be performed.
pendingLazySelects(Database) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.SimpleLazySelector
Saves reference to database for use in future lazy selects.
positionAbsolute(int) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Positions the result set cursor to a specific row.
positionRelative(int) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Positions the result set cursor to a row relative to the current row.
postExecute(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
Updates identity column with generated key if InsertOperation.isAutoGeneratedKeys() is true.
postExecute(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Invoked after JDBC execute.
postExecute(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Invoked after JDBC execute.
postExecuteCascade(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Invoked after JDBC execute.
postExecuteCascade(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Invoked after JDBC execute.
postRead(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Invoked after reading columns into row.
postReadCascade(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Invoked after reading row.
preExecute(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Invoked prior to JDBC execute.
preExecute(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Invoked prior to JDBC execute.
preExecuteCascade(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Invoked prior to JDBC execute.
preExecuteCascade(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Invoked prior to JDBC execute.
prepare() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Prepares operation by initializing JDBC statements.
prepare() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.ModifyCascadeOperation
Prepares operation by initializing JDBC statements.
prepare() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SelectCascadeOperation
Prepares operation by initializing JDBC statements.
prepare() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.MapSelectOperation
Creates prepared statement for this operation and invokes SqlOperation.prepareCascades() to prepare statements for any cascade operations.
prepare() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Creates prepared statement for this operation and invokes SqlOperation.prepareCascades() to prepare statements for any cascade operations.
prepareCascades(Field) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.DeleteOperation
Creates and prepares cascade operations based upon cascade annotations for a field.
prepareCascades(Field) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
Creates and prepares cascade operations based upon cascade annotations for a field.
prepareCascades(Field) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Creates save cascade operations based upon the save annotations for field.
prepareCascades(Field) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Creates and prepares cascade operations based upon cascade annotations for a field.
prepareCascades() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Prepares cascades for all cascade annotations on row class.
prepareCascades(Field) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Creates and prepares cascade operations based upon cascade annotations for a field.
prepareCascades(Field) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.UpdateOperation
Creates and prepares cascade operations based upon cascade annotations for a field.
prepareCheck() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Prepares statement with SqlOperation.prepare() if it is null.
prepareForeignKeyReferenceField() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Prepares accessor that will set foreign key reference on cascaded target rows as defined by Cascade.foreignKeyReferenceField().
prepareForeignKeyValueFields() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Prepares accessors that will set foreign key(s) on cascaded target rows as defined by Cascade.foreignKeyValueFields().
prepareParameterFields() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SelectCascadeOperation
Uses reflection to get fields for each of the source class variables that will be read from source and set as parameters on cascade operation.
prepareStatement() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
Creates the prepared statement.
prepareStatement() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Creates the prepared statement.
prepareStatement() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Creates the prepared statement.
prepareWhere() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SelectCascadeOperation
Configures the WhereTranslator to use for cascade.
preRead(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Invoked prior to reading columns into row.
preReadCascade(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Invoked prior to reading row.
previousPage() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
Move result set cursor to PaginatedSelector.getPageNumber() - 1
PrimaryKeyWhereTranslator<R> - Class in org.sormula.translator
Translates values from row object to JDBC parameters for a where condition as defined by Column.primaryKey() or Column.identity() annotations or by Row.primaryKeyFields().
PrimaryKeyWhereTranslator(RowTranslator<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.PrimaryKeyWhereTranslator
Constructs based upon a row translator.
processIdentityColumn(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
Reads the generated key using Statement.getGeneratedKeys().
putCommitted(CacheKey, R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Puts a row into committed cache.
putTypeTranslator(Class<?>, TypeTranslator<?>) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Defines the translator to use to convert a value to a prepared statement or to convert a value from a result set.
putTypeTranslator(String, TypeTranslator<?>) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
putTypeTranslator(Class<?>, TypeTranslator<?>) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Overrides translator defined in Database for all operations on this table.
putTypeTranslator(String, TypeTranslator<?>) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
putTypeTranslator(Class<?>, TypeTranslator<?>) - Method in interface org.sormula.translator.TypeTranslatorMap
Defines the translator to use to convert a value to a prepared statement or to convert a value from a result set.
putTypeTranslator(String, TypeTranslator<?>) - Method in interface org.sormula.translator.TypeTranslatorMap
putUncommitted(UncommittedRow<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Puts a row into uncommitted cache.


read(ResultSet, int, R) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractBlobColumnTranslator
Reads column value from result set and sets in row object.
read(ResultSet, int, R) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractColumnTranslator
Reads column value from result set and sets in row object.
read(ResultSet, int, R) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Reads a record from a result set.
read(ResultSet, int, R) - Method in interface org.sormula.translator.ColumnTranslator
Reads column value from result set and sets in row object.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.BigDecimalTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.BooleanTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int, R) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.BooleanYNColumnTranslator
Reads column value from result set and sets in row object.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.BooleanYNTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.ByteTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.DateTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.DoubleTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumTranslator
Reads the column as a String and returns EnumTranslator.columnToEnum(Object).
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.FloatTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.GregorianCalendarTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.InstantTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.IntegerTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.LocalDateTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.LocalTimeTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.LongTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.ObjectTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.ShortTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.SqlDateTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.SqlTimestampTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.SqlTimeTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.StringTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.TrimTranslator
Reads value from result set.
read(ResultSet, int) - Method in interface org.sormula.translator.TypeTranslator
Reads value from result set.
readAggregate() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.aggregate.SelectAggregateOperation
Reads the aggregate value from the current result set.
readAll() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Reads all rows from current result set.
readNext() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Reads next row from current result set.
ReadOnlyCache<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.readonly
A cache that retains rows that selected, inserted, updated, and deleted.
ReadOnlyCache(Table<R>, Cached) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.readonly.ReadOnlyCache
Constructs for a table and cache annotation.
ReadOnlyException - Exception in org.sormula.operation
Indicates an insert, update, or delete was attempted for a table that is read only.
ReadOnlyException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.operation.ReadOnlyException
ReadWriteCache<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.readwrite
A cache that retains rows that selected, inserted, updated, and deleted.
ReadWriteCache(Table<R>, Cached) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.ReadWriteCache
Constructs for a table and cache annotation.
ReflectException - Exception in org.sormula.reflect
Exception that originates in the reflect package.
ReflectException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.reflect.ReflectException
Constructs for a message.
ReflectException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.reflect.ReflectException
Constructs for a message and cause.
remove() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectIterator
Throws UnsupportedOperationException.
removeCommited(CacheKey) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Removes a row from committed cache.
removeFilter(Class<F>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Removes a filter that was previously added with ScalarSelectOperation.addFilter(Class, BiPredicate).
removeListener(TransactionListener) - Method in class org.sormula.Transaction
Removes a transaction listener.
removeNameTranslatorClass(Class<? extends NameTranslator>) - Method in class
Removes a default name translator.
removeNameTranslatorClass(Class<? extends NameTranslator>) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Removes a name translator class.
resetRowsReadCount() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Sets the number of rows read to zero.
resume() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
Starts recording the after pause.
resume() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.NoOperationTime
resume() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Starts recording the active time that was paused.
rollback() - Method in class
Rolls back the transaction.
rollback(Transaction) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Indicates database transaction rollback.
rollback(Transaction) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Notification of database transaction abnormal end.
rollback() - Method in class org.sormula.NoOpTransaction
Aborts the transaction by invoking Connection.rollback().
rollback() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Rolls back the transaction for AbstractLazySelector.lazySelect(Field).
rollback(Transaction) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
rollback() - Method in class org.sormula.Transaction
Aborts the transaction by invoking Connection.rollback().
rollback(Transaction) - Method in interface org.sormula.TransactionListener
Indicates that transaction is completing normally.
Row - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
Defines class attributes for a row class.
RowField<C,T> - Class in org.sormula.reflect
An abstract reference to a field within a row class with utility methods needed by sormula for reflection.
RowField(Field) - Constructor for class org.sormula.reflect.RowField
Constructs for a field.
RowTranslator<R> - Class in org.sormula.translator
Translates a row to prepared statement and from result set.
RowTranslator(Table<R>, Row) - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Constructs for a table.


save() - Method in class
Saves record into database.
save(R) - Method in class
Updates an existing record or insert record if it is not already in database.
Save<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
Delegate for
Save(ActiveTable<R>, R) - Constructor for class
save(R) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Performs an equivalent to save operation on cache for row.
save(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.ReadOnlyCache
Returns false since read only cache never writes to database and is never authority for row.
save(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedReadOnlyRow
Throws IllegalCacheOperationException since this method should not be used for ReadOnlyCache.
save(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.ReadWriteCache
Performs an equivalent to save operation on cache for row.
save(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedDelete
save(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedInsert
save(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSave
save(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSelect
save(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedUpdate
save(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Performs a save of new row on existing uncommitted row.
save(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.WriteOperations
Saves row into database using primary key(s) with
save(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Saves a row.
save(Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Saves rows based upon parameters.
save(R) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Uses SaveOperation to update an existing row or insert row if it is not already in database.
saveAll(Collection<R>) - Method in class
Updates an existing records or insert records if they are not already in database.
SaveAll<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
SaveAll(ActiveTable<R>, Collection<R>) - Constructor for class
saveAll(Collection<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Saves all rows in collection.
saveAll(Collection<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Uses SaveOperation to update an existing rows or insert rows if they are not already in database.
saveAllBatch(Collection<R>) - Method in class
Updates an existing records or insert records if they are not already in database in batch mode.
SaveAllBatch<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
SaveAllBatch(ActiveTable<R>, Collection<R>) - Constructor for class
saveAllBatch(Collection<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Saves a collection of rows in batch mode.
saveBatch() - Method in class
Saves record into database in batch mode.
saveBatch(R) - Method in class
Updates an existing record or insert record if it is not already in database in batch mode.
SaveBatch<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
SaveBatch(ActiveTable<R>, R) - Constructor for class
saveBatch(R) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Inserts or updates row in batch mode.
SaveCascade - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation.cascade
Used within a Cascade annotation to define a cascade save operation.
SaveCascadeAnnotationReader - Class in org.sormula.annotation.cascade
Reads save cascade annotation information for a field.
SaveCascadeAnnotationReader(Field) - Constructor for class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.SaveCascadeAnnotationReader
Constructs for a field.
SaveCascadeOperation<S,T> - Class in org.sormula.operation.cascade
Cascade that saves rows in target table when source operation initiates a cascade.
SaveCascadeOperation(SaveOperation<S>, RowField<S, ?>, Table<T>, SaveCascade) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SaveCascadeOperation
Constructor used by SaveOperation.
saved(R) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Indicates that a row was saved in database.
saved(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.ReadOnlyCache
Indicates that a row was saved in database.
saved(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedDelete
saved(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedInsert
saved(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedSelect
saved(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedUpdate
saved(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.ReadWriteCache
Throws IllegalCacheOperationException since writable ReadWriteCache should never be notified of an save since ReadWriteCache will be saving to the database.
saved(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Notifies cache that row has been saved in database.
saved(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.UncommittedWritableRow
Throws IllegalCacheOperationException since this method should not be used.
SaveOperation<R> - Class in org.sormula.operation
SQL update or insert operation for row of type R.
SaveOperation(Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Constructs to update by primary key or insert if update fails.
SaveOperation(Table<R>, boolean) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Constructs to update by primary key or insert if update fails.
SaveOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Constructs to update by where condition or insert if update fails.
SaveOperation(Table<R>, boolean, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Constructs to update by where condition or insert if update fails.
ScalarSelectOperation<R> - Class in org.sormula.operation
Select operation that reads one value at a time.
ScalarSelectOperation(Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Constructs standard sql select by primary key as:
SELECT c1, c2, c3, ...
ScalarSelectOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Constructs standard sql select by primary key as:
SELECT c1, c2, c3, ...
select(Object...) - Method in class
Selects one record in table using primary key.
Select<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
Select(ActiveTable<R>, Object...) - Constructor for class
select(Object[]) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Performs an equivalent to SQL select on cache for a row with primary key(s).
select(Object[]) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.ReadOnlyCache
Performs an equivalent to SQL select on cache for a row with primary key(s).
select() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedDelete
select() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedInsert
select() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedSelect
select() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedUpdate
select(Object[]) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.ReadWriteCache
Performs an equivalent to SQL select on cache for a row with primary key(s).
select() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedDelete
select() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedInsert
select() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSave
select() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSelect
select() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedUpdate
select() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Performs a primary key select on the uncommitted row.
select(Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Set parameters, executes, reads one row, closes.
select(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Set parameters, executes, reads one row, closes.
select(Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects one row in table using primary key.
SelectAggregateOperation<R,T> - Class in org.sormula.operation.aggregate
Operation to select a value using an aggregate sql function like MIN, MAX, SUM, AVG, etc.
SelectAggregateOperation(Table<R>, String, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.aggregate.SelectAggregateOperation
Constructs for standard sql select statement as:
SELECT f(e), ...
selectAll() - Method in class
Selects all records in table.
SelectAll<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
Delegate for Table.selectAll().
SelectAll(ActiveTable<R>) - Constructor for class
selectAll(Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Set parameters, executes, reads all rows in result set, closes.
selectAll(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Set parameters, executes, reads all rows in result set, closes.
selectAll() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects all rows in table.
selectAllCustom(String, Object...) - Method in class
Select list of records using custom sql.
SelectAllCustom<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
SelectAllCustom(ActiveTable<R>, String, Object...) - Constructor for class
selectAllCustom(String, Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Select list of rows using custom sql.
selectAllWhere(String, Object...) - Method in class
Selects list of records for where condition and parameters.
SelectAllWhere<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
SelectAllWhere(ActiveTable<R>, String, Object...) - Constructor for class
selectAllWhere(String, Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects list of rows for where condition and parameters.
selectAllWhereOrdered(String, String, Object...) - Method in class
Selects list of records for where condition and parameters.
SelectAllWhereOrdered<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
SelectAllWhereOrdered(ActiveTable<R>, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for class
selectAllWhereOrdered(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects list of rows for where condition and parameters.
selectAvg(String) - Method in class
Selects average value.
selectAvg(String, String, Object...) - Method in class
Selects average value.
SelectAvg<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>,T> - Class in
Delegate for selectAvg methods in Table.
SelectAvg(ActiveTable<R>, String) - Constructor for class
SelectAvg(ActiveTable<R>, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for class
selectAvg(String) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects average value.
selectAvg(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects average value.
SelectAvgOperation<R,T> - Class in org.sormula.operation.aggregate
SQL AVG aggregate operation.
SelectAvgOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.aggregate.SelectAvgOperation
Constructs for standard sql select statement as:
SELECT AVG(e), ...
SelectCascade - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation.cascade
Used within a OneToOneCascade, OneToManyCascade, or Cascade annotation to define a cascade select operation.
SelectCascadeAnnotationReader - Class in org.sormula.annotation.cascade
Reads select cascade annotation information for a field.
SelectCascadeAnnotationReader(Field) - Constructor for class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.SelectCascadeAnnotationReader
Constructs for a field.
SelectCascadeOperation<S,T> - Class in org.sormula.operation.cascade
Cascade that selects rows from target table into target field when source operation initiates a cascade.
SelectCascadeOperation(ScalarSelectOperation<S>, RowField<S, ?>, Table<T>, SelectCascade) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SelectCascadeOperation
Constructor used by ScalarSelectOperation.
selectCount() - Method in class
Selects count of records using "select count(*) from ...".
selectCount(String) - Method in class
Selects count of records.
selectCount(String, String, Object...) - Method in class
Selects count of records.
SelectCount<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>,T> - Class in
Delegate for Table.selectCount().
SelectCount(ActiveTable<R>) - Constructor for class
SelectCount(ActiveTable<R>, String) - Constructor for class
SelectCount(ActiveTable<R>, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for class
selectCount() - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Gets count of all rows in table.
selectCount(String, Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects count for a subset of rows.
selectCount(String) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects count of rows.
selectCount(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects count of rows.
SelectCountOperation<R,T> - Class in org.sormula.operation.aggregate
SQL COUNT aggregate operation.
SelectCountOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.aggregate.SelectCountOperation
Constructs for standard sql select statement as:
selectCustom(String, Object...) - Method in class
Select list of records using custom sql.
SelectCustom<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
SelectCustom(ActiveTable<R>, String, Object...) - Constructor for class
selectCustom(String, Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects one row using custom sql.
selected(R) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Indicates row was selected from database.
selected(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.ReadOnlyCache
Indicates row was selected from database.
selected(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedDelete
selected(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedInsert
selected(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedSelect
selected(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedUpdate
selected(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.ReadWriteCache
Indicates row was selected from database.
selected(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedDelete
selected(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedInsert
selected(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSave
selected(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSelect
selected(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedUpdate
selected(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Notifies cache that row has been selected from database.
SelectIterator<R> - Class in org.sormula.operation
Iterator for a ScalarSelectOperation.
SelectIterator(ScalarSelectOperation<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.SelectIterator
Constructs for a select operation.
selectMax(String) - Method in class
Selects maximum value.
selectMax(String, String, Object...) - Method in class
Selects maximum value.
SelectMax<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>,T> - Class in
Delegate for selectMax methods in Table.
SelectMax(ActiveTable<R>, String) - Constructor for class
SelectMax(ActiveTable<R>, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for class
selectMax(String) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects maximum value.
selectMax(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects maximum value.
SelectMaxOperation<R,T> - Class in org.sormula.operation.aggregate
SQL MAX aggregate operation.
SelectMaxOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.aggregate.SelectMaxOperation
Constructs for standard sql select statement as:
SELECT MAX(e), ...
selectMin(String) - Method in class
Selects minimum value.
selectMin(String, String, Object...) - Method in class
Selects minimum value.
SelectMin<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>,T> - Class in
Delegate for selectMin methods in Table.
SelectMin(ActiveTable<R>, String) - Constructor for class
SelectMin(ActiveTable<R>, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for class
selectMin(String) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects minimum value.
selectMin(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects minimum value.
SelectMinOperation<R,T> - Class in org.sormula.operation.aggregate
SQL MIN aggregate operation.
SelectMinOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.aggregate.SelectMinOperation
Constructs for standard sql select statement as:
SELECT MIN(e), ...
SelectOperation<R,C> - Class in org.sormula.operation
SQL select operation returning a collection of rows.
SelectOperation(Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Constructs standard sql to select by primary key as: SELECT c1, c2, c3, ...
SelectOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Constructs standard sql to by a where condition: SELECT c1, c2, c3, ...
SelectorException - Exception in org.sormula.selector
Exception that originates in the selector package.
SelectorException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.selector.SelectorException
Constructs for a message.
SelectorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.selector.SelectorException
Constructs for a message and cause.
selectPage() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
Selects rows for current page.
selectRow() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
Selects next row from the current page.
selectSum(String) - Method in class
Selects sum.
selectSum(String, String, Object...) - Method in class
Selects sum.
SelectSum<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>,T> - Class in
Delegate for selectSum methods in Table.
SelectSum(ActiveTable<R>, String) - Constructor for class
SelectSum(ActiveTable<R>, String, String, Object...) - Constructor for class
selectSum(String) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects sum.
selectSum(String, String, Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects sum.
SelectSumOperation<R,T> - Class in org.sormula.operation.aggregate
SQL SUM aggregate operation.
SelectSumOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.aggregate.SelectSumOperation
Constructs for standard sql select statement as:
SELECT SUM(e), ...
selectWhere(String, Object...) - Method in class
Selects one record for where condition and parameters.
SelectWhere<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
SelectWhere(ActiveTable<R>, String, Object...) - Constructor for class
selectWhere(String, Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Selects one row for where condition and parameters.
set(C, T) - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.DirectAccessField
Sets field value directly (non method access) using Field.set(Object, Object).
set(C, T) - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.MethodAccessField
Sets field value with row setter method using Method.invoke(Object, Object...).
set(C, T) - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.RowField
Sets value on object with set method using reflection.
setActive(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.Transaction
Sets the active indicator.
setActiveTransaction(ActiveTransaction) - Method in class
Sets the transaction in use.
setAutoGeneratedKeys(boolean) - Method in class
Sets the default way identity columns are processed for newly created Table objects.
setAutoGeneratedKeys(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Sets the default way identity columns are processed for newly created Table objects.
setAutoGeneratedKeys(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
Sets when to get generated keys from database.
setAutoGeneratedKeys(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Sets the default way identity columns are processed for operations that use this Table.
setBaseSql(String) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets the base sql used by this operation.
setBatch(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.InsertOperation
Sets batch mode.
setBatch(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Sets batch mode.
setBatch(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Sets batch state for internal insert and update operations.
setCached(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Sets cached enabled state for internal insert and update operations.
setCached(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets the cache mode for this operation.
setCascade(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SaveOperation
Sets cascade state for internal insert and update operations.
setCascade(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets whether cascades are enabled for this operation.
setCascadeDepth(int) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets the cascade depth.
setClosingDelimiter(String) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.DelimitedNameTranslator
Sets the closing delimiter.
setCommittedCache(Map<CacheKey, R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Sets new committed map.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Sets new connection to use by this class and all related classes.
setConnection(Connection) - Method in class org.sormula.Transaction
Sets new connection for transaction.
setCustomSql(String) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets sql to be appended to base sql in operation.
setDatabase(Database) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Sets the database to use for lazy selects.
setDebugEnabled(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ConsoleSormulaLogger
setDefault(ActiveDatabase) - Static method in class
Sets the default active database.
setDefaultEnumName(String) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumTranslator
Sets the name of the Enum to use in, int) when the value read from the database is not a valid Enum.
setDefaultReadAllSize(int) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Sets default initial capacity for collection that is to contain the selected rows.
setDescription(String) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Sets description for timings that are logged with OperationTime.logTimings().
setEnumClass(Class<T>) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumToStringTranslator
Sets the class of Enum to translate.
setEnumClass(Class<T>) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumTranslator
Sets the class of Enum to translate.
setFetchSize(int) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Sets the JDBC fetch size to use for prepared statement.
setFilterPredicateMap(Map<Class<?>, BiPredicate<?, Boolean>>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Sets all filters defined for this operation and lower level cascades.
setForeignKeyFieldNames(String[]) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Sets the name of fields that contain the foreign key values in target (child) rows.
setForeignKeyReference(T) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Sets the foreign key reference in target (child) row as source (parent) row.
setForeignKeyReference(Collection<T>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Sets the foreign key reference in target (child) rows as source (parent) row.
setForeignKeyReferenceField(String) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Sets the field name that contains a reference to the foreign key object in target (child) rows.
setForeignKeyReferenceFieldName(String) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Sets the field name that contains a reference to the foreign key object in target (child) rows.
setForeignKeyValueFields(String[]) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Sets the name of fields that contain the foreign key values in target (child) rows.
setForeignKeyValues(T) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Sets the foreign key(s) in target (child) row from primary key(s) in source (parent) row.
setForeignKeyValues(Collection<T>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Sets the foreign key(s) in target (child) rows from primary key(s) in source (parent) row.
setGetKeyMethodName(String) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.MapSelectOperation
Sets the method name of row class R that gets key of type K to use in Map.
setIdentity(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractColumnTranslator
setIgnoreFirst(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
Sets what to do with the first time recorded.
setIncludeIdentityColumns(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets when to generate identity columns.
setIncludeIdentityColumns(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Sets when to use identity columns.
setIncludeReadOnlyColumns(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Sets when to use readonly columns.
setInheritedFields(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.RowTranslator
Sets if super class fields are used.
setKeyFunction(Function<R, K>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.MapSelectOperation
Sets the function used to obtain the map key from a row.
setLoggerClass(String) - Static method in class org.sormula.log.SormulaLoggerFactory
Loads class with name provided in loggerClassName and invokes SormulaLoggerFactory.setLoggerClass(Class).
setLoggerClass(Class<? extends SormulaLogger>) - Static method in class org.sormula.log.SormulaLoggerFactory
Sets the logger class to be used by Sormula.
setMaximumRowsRead(int) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Sets the maximum number of rows to read from result set.
setName(String) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.CascadeAnnotationReader
Sets the name of the cascade as defined by, or, or
setNamedParameterMap(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets all named parameters replacing any previously set with SqlOperation.setParameter(String, Object).
setNextParameter(int) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets the next column index to use in PreparedStatement.
setOpeningDelimiter(String) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.DelimitedNameTranslator
Sets the opening delimiter.
setOrderBy(String) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Sets order of results in list.
setOrderByName(String) - Method in class org.sormula.selector.AbstractPaginatedListSelector
Sets the order for the rows returned by PaginatedSelector.selectPage() and PaginatedSelector.selectRow().
setOrderByTranslator(OrderByTranslator<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Sets the OrderByTranslator that creates the sql "order by" phrase based upon the OrderBy annotations.
setPageNumber(int) - Method in class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
Positions result set cursor to a specific page.
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets a named parameter value.
setParameter(String, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.selector.AbstractPaginatedListSelector
Sets a named parameter for a Where.
setParameters(S) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SelectCascadeOperation
SelectCascadeOperation.cascade(S) invokes this method to set parameters in cascade operation based upon parameter fields that were created by SelectCascadeOperation.prepareParameterFields().
setParameters(Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Allows modification of table data using objects instead from row objects.
setParameters(Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Sets any parameters to be used by operation.
setParameters(Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets any parameters to be used by operation.
setParameters(Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.selector.AbstractPaginatedListSelector
Sets the parameters that correspond to WhereField.operand() that are "?".
setParameters(Object[]) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractWhereTranslator
Sets parameters that are used in where phrase.
setPost(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.CascadeOperation
Sets when to perform the cascade.
setQueryTimeout(int) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets the number of seconds the driver will wait for a Statement object to execute.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class
Sets read-only indicator.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Sets read-only indicator.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets read-only indicator.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Sets read-only indicator.
setReadOnly(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractColumnTranslator
setRequiredCascades(String...) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets the name(s) of cascades that should occur with this operation.
setRequiredCascades(String...) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Sets the name(s) of cascades that should occur with this operation.
setResultSetType(int) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Sets the type of result set to use.
setRow(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Sets a replacement row for the existing row in this uncommitted row.
setRow(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Sets parameters from a row object.
setRowParameters(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Set parameters using values from a row object.
setRows(R[]) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Sets parameters from rows in an array.
setRows(Collection<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Sets parameters from rows in a collection.
setRows(Map<?, R>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
Sets parameters from rows in a map.
setRowsAffected(int) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ModifyOperation
setTableName(String) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Sets the table name to use in sql statements.
setTimeFormat(String) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
Sets the format string to use when formatting time.
setTimingId(String) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets the id for the operation times SqlOperation.getOperationTime().
setTimings(boolean) - Method in class
Sets timings enabled for all database operations.
setTimings(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Sets timings enabled for all database operations.
setTimings(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Enables timings for this operation.
setTransaction(Transaction) - Method in class org.sormula.Database
Sets a custom implementation of Transaction subclass.
setTypeTranslator(TypeTranslator<T>) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractColumnTranslator
Sets the translator to read result sets and write to prepared statements.
setUncommittedCache(Map<CacheKey, UncommittedRow<R>>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Sets new uncommitted map.
setUseTransaction(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.AbstractLazySelector
Sets transaction use.
setWhere(String) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SelectOperation
Sets where condition from annotation name as defined in for row.
setWhere(String) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets where condition from annotation name as defined in for row.
setWhere(String) - Method in class org.sormula.selector.AbstractPaginatedListSelector
Sets the name of the Where condition to filter the rows that are returned by PaginatedSelector.selectPage() and PaginatedSelector.selectRow().
setWhereTranslator(AbstractWhereTranslator<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets the translator to map row object values into where condition.
setWordDelimiter(String) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ExpandedNameTranslator
Sets delimiter between words in sql names.
setWritten(boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.UncommittedWritableRow
Sets database write status.
ShortTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setShort(int, short) and ResultSet.getShort(int).
ShortTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.ShortTranslator
SimpleLazySelector<R> - Class in org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy
A lazy cascade selector that uses the same Database that was used to select source row.
SimpleLazySelector() - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.SimpleLazySelector
Constructs for use when SimpleLazySelector is base class of row that will contain lazy select fields.
SimpleLazySelector(R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.cascade.lazy.SimpleLazySelector
Constructs for use as delegate for row that will contain lazy select fields.
Slf4jSormulaLogger - Class in org.sormula.log
A SormulaLogger that logs using the SLF4J logging facade library.
Slf4jSormulaLogger(String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.log.Slf4jSormulaLogger
SormulaException - Exception in org.sormula
Base class for all exceptions in sormula packages.
SormulaException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.SormulaException
Constructs for a message.
SormulaException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.SormulaException
Constructs for a message and cause.
SormulaLogger - Interface in org.sormula.log
Logging interface used by Sormula.
SormulaLoggerFactory - Class in org.sormula.log
Factory for supplying logger classes that are used by Sormula classes.
SormulaLoggerFactory() - Constructor for class org.sormula.log.SormulaLoggerFactory
Sql2003KeywordNameTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator
Converts keyword from SQL 2003 to keyword with delimiters.
Sql2003KeywordNameTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.Sql2003KeywordNameTranslator
Sql92KeywordNameTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator
Converts keyword from SQL 92 to keyword with delimiters.
Sql92KeywordNameTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.Sql92KeywordNameTranslator
Sql99KeywordNameTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator
Converts keyword from SQL 99 to keyword with delimiters.
Sql99KeywordNameTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.Sql99KeywordNameTranslator
SqlDateTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setDate(int, java.sql.Date) and ResultSet.getDate(int).
SqlDateTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.SqlDateTranslator
SqlOperation<R> - Class in org.sormula.operation
Base class for all database operations.
SqlOperation(Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Constructs for a table.
SqlTimestampTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setTimestamp(int, java.sql.Timestamp) and ResultSet.getTimestamp(int).
SqlTimestampTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.SqlTimestampTranslator
SqlTimeTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setTime(int, java.sql.Time) and ResultSet.getTime(int).
SqlTimeTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.SqlTimeTranslator
StandardColumnTranslator<R,T> - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Delegates to translator based upon field type.
StandardColumnTranslator(RowField<R, T>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.StandardColumnTranslator
Constructs for a RowField and column name.
start() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
Starts recording elapsed time.
start(ElapsedTime) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Starts recording an elapsed time.
startExecuteTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.NoOperationTime
startExecuteTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Starts recording execute time.
startPrepareTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.NoOperationTime
startPrepareTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Starts recording prepare time.
startReadTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.NoOperationTime
startReadTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Starts recording read time.
startWriteTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.NoOperationTime
startWriteTime() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Starts recording write time.
stop() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.ElapsedTime
Stops recording elapsed time.
stop() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.NoOperationTime
stop() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Stops recording the active time that was started with one of the start methods.
StringTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setString(int, String) and ResultSet.getString(int).
StringTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.StringTranslator


table(Class<R>) - Static method in class
Creates a table that can be used to for records of type recordClass for the default active database.
Table<R> - Class in org.sormula
A table within a sql database.
Table(Database, Class<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.Table
Constructs for a database and the class that used for row objects.
topOfPage() - Method in class org.sormula.selector.PaginatedSelector
Positions result set cursor to the top of the page.
toString() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.CacheKey
toString(R) - Method in class org.sormula.reflect.FieldExtractor
Gets field names and values for a row in the form of "field1=value1 field2=value2 field3=value3..." Typically this method is used for debugging.
toTargetArray(Collection<T>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.cascade.SelectCascadeOperation
trace(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
trace(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
trace(Marker, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
trace(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
trace(Marker, String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
trace(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
trace(String, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
trace(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
trace(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
trace(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
Transaction - Class in org.sormula
Simple transaction interface for Connection.
Transaction(Connection) - Constructor for class org.sormula.Transaction
Constructs for a connection.
TransactionListener - Interface in org.sormula
Listener interface for Transaction.
Transient - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
Defines a field that is in a row class but not used in any database operations.
transition(UncommittedRow<R>, UncommittedRow<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.AbstractCache
Transition uncommitted cache state.
translate(String, Class) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.DelimitedNameTranslator
Provides SQL name for corresponding name
translate(String, Class) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ExpandedNameTranslator
Provides SQL name for corresponding name
translate(String, Class) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.LowerCaseNameTranslator
Provides SQL name for corresponding name
translate(String, Class) - Method in interface org.sormula.translator.NameTranslator
Provides SQL name for corresponding name
translate(String, Class) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.Sql2003KeywordNameTranslator
Provides SQL name for corresponding name
translate(String, Class) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.Sql92KeywordNameTranslator
Provides SQL name for corresponding name
translate(String, Class) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.Sql99KeywordNameTranslator
Provides SQL name for corresponding name
translate(String, Class) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.UpperCaseNameTranslator
Provides SQL name for corresponding name
translateName(String) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Converts a Java class or field name to corresponding SQL name.
TranslatorException - Exception in org.sormula.translator
Exception that originates in the translator package.
TranslatorException(String) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.translator.TranslatorException
Constructs for a message.
TranslatorException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.sormula.translator.TranslatorException
Constructs for a message and cause.
TrimTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator.standard
Translates using PreparedStatement.setString(int, String) and ResultSet.getString(int).
TrimTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.standard.TrimTranslator
TypeTranslator<T> - Interface in org.sormula.translator
Interface for getting a value from a result set and setting a value to a prepared statement.
TypeTranslatorMap - Interface in org.sormula.translator
Interface for classes that add and retrieve TypeTranslator using a key of Class.


UncommittedDelete<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.readonly
Row in ReadOnlyCache that has been deleted.
UncommittedDelete(CacheKey, R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedDelete
UncommittedDelete<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.readwrite
Row in ReadWriteCache that has been deleted.
UncommittedDelete(CacheKey, R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedDelete
UncommittedInsert<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.readonly
A row that has been inserted into a ReadOnlyCache but not yet written to database.
UncommittedInsert(CacheKey, R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedInsert
UncommittedInsert<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.readwrite
A row that has been inserted into a writable cache but not yet written to database.
UncommittedInsert(CacheKey, R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedInsert
UncommittedReadOnlyRow<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.readonly
UncommittedReadOnlyRow(CacheKey, R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedReadOnlyRow
UncommittedRow<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache
Abstract base class for all uncommitted rows in an AbstractCache.
UncommittedRow(CacheKey, R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Constructs for a key and correspond row.
UncommittedSave<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.readwrite
A row that has been saved into a writable cache but not yet written to database.
UncommittedSave(CacheKey, R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSave
UncommittedSelect<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.readonly
A row that has been selected from database and stored in a ReadOnlyCache but not yet committed.
UncommittedSelect(CacheKey, R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedSelect
UncommittedSelect<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.readwrite
A row that has been selected from database and stored in a writable cache but not yet committed.
UncommittedSelect(CacheKey, R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSelect
UncommittedUpdate<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.readonly
A row that has been updated in a ReadOnlyCache.
UncommittedUpdate(CacheKey, R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedUpdate
UncommittedUpdate<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.readwrite
A row that has been updated in a writable cache but not yet written to database.
UncommittedUpdate(CacheKey, R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedUpdate
UncommittedWritableRow<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.writable
UncommittedWritableRow(CacheKey, R) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.writable.UncommittedWritableRow
UnusedColumn - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
Define column that requires values for insert or update but is not used by row object.
UnusedColumns - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
Defines two or more UnusedColumn annotations.
update() - Method in class
Updates record in database.
update(R) - Method in class
Updates one record in table by primary key.
Update<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
Update(ActiveTable<R>, R) - Constructor for class
update(R) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Performs an equivalent to SQL update on cache for row.
update(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.ReadOnlyCache
Returns false since read only cache never writes to database and is never authority for row.
update(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedReadOnlyRow
Throws IllegalCacheOperationException since this method should not be used for ReadOnlyCache.
update(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.ReadWriteCache
Performs an equivalent to SQL update on cache for row.
update(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedDelete
update(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedInsert
update(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSave
update(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSelect
update(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedUpdate
update(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Performs an update of new row on existing uncommitted row.
update(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.WriteOperations
Updates row in database using primary key(s) with Cached.update().
update(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.UpdateOperation
Updates a row.
update(Object...) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.UpdateOperation
Updates rows based upon parameters.
update(R) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Updates one row in table by primary key.
updateActiveFilterPredicate(Class<?>, BiPredicate<?, Boolean>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.ScalarSelectOperation
Tests if filterPredicate parameter is to be used for this operation.
updateAll(Collection<R>) - Method in class
Updates collection of records using primary key.
UpdateAll<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
UpdateAll(ActiveTable<R>, Collection<R>) - Constructor for class
updateAll(Collection<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.UpdateOperation
Updates all rows in collection.
updateAll(Collection<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Updates collection of rows using primary key.
updateAllBatch(Collection<R>) - Method in class
Updates collection of records using primary key in batch mode.
UpdateAllBatch<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
UpdateAllBatch(ActiveTable<R>, Collection<R>) - Constructor for class
updateAllBatch(Collection<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Updates collection of rows using primary key in batch mode.
updateBatch() - Method in class
Updates record in database in batch mode.
updateBatch(R) - Method in class
Updates one record in table by primary key in batch mode.
UpdateBatch<R extends ActiveRecord<? super R>> - Class in
UpdateBatch(ActiveTable<R>, R) - Constructor for class
updateBatch(R) - Method in class org.sormula.Table
Updates row in table by primary key in batch mode.
UpdateCascade - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation.cascade
Used within a Cascade annotation to define a cascade update operation.
UpdateCascadeAnnotationReader - Class in org.sormula.annotation.cascade
Reads update cascade annotation information for a field.
UpdateCascadeAnnotationReader(Field) - Constructor for class org.sormula.annotation.cascade.UpdateCascadeAnnotationReader
Constructs for a field.
UpdateCascadeOperation<S,T> - Class in org.sormula.operation.cascade
Cascade that updates rows in target table when source operation initiates a cascade.
UpdateCascadeOperation(UpdateOperation<S>, RowField<S, ?>, Table<T>, UpdateCascade) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.cascade.UpdateCascadeOperation
Constructor used by UpdateOperation.
updateCommitted(Cache<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedDelete
updateCommitted(Cache<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedInsert
updateCommitted(Cache<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedSelect
updateCommitted(Cache<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedUpdate
updateCommitted(Cache<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedDelete
updateCommitted(Cache<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedInsert
updateCommitted(Cache<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSave
updateCommitted(Cache<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSelect
updateCommitted(Cache<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedUpdate
updateCommitted(Cache<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Put this uncommitted row in committed map of cache.
updated(R) - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Indicates that a row was updated in database.
updated(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.ReadOnlyCache
Indicates that a row was updated in database.
updated(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedDelete
updated(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedInsert
updated(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedSelect
updated(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.UncommittedUpdate
updated(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.ReadWriteCache
Throws IllegalCacheOperationException since writable ReadWriteCache should never be notified of an update since ReadWriteCache will be updating the database.
updated(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.UncommittedRow
Notifies cache that row has been updated in database.
updated(R) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.UncommittedWritableRow
Throws IllegalCacheOperationException since this method should not be used.
updateMap(ExplicitType) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.ExplicitTypeAnnotationReader
Adds a new instance of TypeTranslator to type translator map if not already defined for ExplicitType.type().
updateMap(ImplicitType) - Method in class org.sormula.annotation.ImplicitTypeAnnotationReader
Adds a new instance of TypeTranslator to type translator map if not already defined for Field type.
UpdateOperation<R> - Class in org.sormula.operation
SQL update operation for row of type R.
UpdateOperation(Table<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.UpdateOperation
Constructs standard sql update for primary key as:
UPDATE table SET c1=?, c2=?, c3...
UpdateOperation(Table<R>, String) - Constructor for class org.sormula.operation.UpdateOperation
Constructs for standard sql update statement as:
UPDATE table SET c1=?, c2=?, c3...
updateSource(StackTraceElement) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.NoOperationTime
updateSource(StackTraceElement) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.monitor.OperationTime
Records stack trace information and count where timing is initiated.
UpperCaseNameTranslator - Class in org.sormula.translator
Converts name to upper case using String.toUpperCase().
UpperCaseNameTranslator() - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.UpperCaseNameTranslator


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.sormula.reflect.FieldAccessType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.sormula.reflect.FieldAccessType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


warn(Marker, String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
warn(Marker, String, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
warn(Marker, String, Object[]) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
warn(Marker, String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
warn(Marker, String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
warn(String, Object, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
warn(String, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
warn(String, Object[]) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
warn(String, Throwable) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
warn(String) - Method in class org.sormula.log.ClassLogger
Where - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
Defines columns to be used in a where condition for a row class.
WhereAnnotationReader - Class in org.sormula.annotation
Reads Where annotations from a class.
WhereAnnotationReader(Class<?>...) - Constructor for class org.sormula.annotation.WhereAnnotationReader
Constructs for classes that may contain the annotation.
WhereField - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
Defines a field within a Where annotation.
Wheres - Annotation Type in org.sormula.annotation
Defines two or more Where annotations.
WhereTranslator<R> - Class in org.sormula.translator
Translates row values to where condition parameters.
WhereTranslator(RowTranslator<R>, int) - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.WhereTranslator
Constructs and empty where condition.
WhereTranslator(RowTranslator<R>, Where) - Constructor for class org.sormula.translator.WhereTranslator
Constructs for where annotation.
WritableCache<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.writable
Abstract base class for implementing a cache that writes to the database upon transaction commit.
WritableCache(Table<R>, Cached) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.writable.WritableCache
Constructs for a table and annotation.
write() - Method in interface org.sormula.cache.Cache
Writes uncommitted changes to database.
write() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readonly.ReadOnlyCache
Does nothing.
write(WriteOperations<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedDelete
write(WriteOperations<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedInsert
write(WriteOperations<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSave
write(WriteOperations<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedSelect
write(WriteOperations<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.readwrite.UncommittedUpdate
write(WriteOperations<R>) - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.UncommittedWritableRow
Writes row to database.
write() - Method in class org.sormula.cache.writable.WritableCache
Writes uncommitted rows to database by invoking UncommittedWritableRow.write(WriteOperations) on all rows in AbstractCache.getUncommittedCache().
write(PreparedStatement, int, R) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractBlobColumnTranslator
Gets column value from row and sets as parameter in prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, R) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.AbstractColumnTranslator
Gets column value from row and sets as parameter in prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, R) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.ColumnsTranslator
Sets parameters in a prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, R) - Method in interface org.sormula.translator.ColumnTranslator
Gets column value from row and sets as parameter in prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, BigDecimal) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.BigDecimalTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.BooleanTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, R) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.BooleanYNColumnTranslator
Gets column value from row and sets as parameter in prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Boolean) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.BooleanYNTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Byte) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.ByteTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Date) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.DateTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Double) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.DoubleTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Enum<T>) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.EnumTranslator
Writes the return of EnumTranslator.enumToColumn(Enum) for Enum parameter to database as a String.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Float) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.FloatTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, GregorianCalendar) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.GregorianCalendarTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Instant) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.InstantTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Integer) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.IntegerTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, LocalDate) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.LocalDateTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, LocalTime) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.LocalTimeTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Long) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.LongTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Object) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.ObjectTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Short) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.ShortTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Date) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.SqlDateTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Timestamp) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.SqlTimestampTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, Time) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.SqlTimeTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, String) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.StringTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, String) - Method in class org.sormula.translator.standard.TrimTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
write(PreparedStatement, int, T) - Method in interface org.sormula.translator.TypeTranslator
Sets parameter value in the prepared statement.
writeColumns(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.DeleteOperation
Does nothing since delete statements have no columns.
writeColumns(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets all column parameters from a row using the table's RowTranslator.
WriteOperations<R> - Class in org.sormula.cache.writable
Operations used to write uncommitted cache rows to database.
WriteOperations(WritableCache<R>) - Constructor for class org.sormula.cache.writable.WriteOperations
Constructs for a cache.
writeParameter(int, T) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets parameter on prepared statement using the appropriate TypeTranslator.
writeParameters() - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Prepares statement and then sets all parameters with SqlOperation.writeParameter(int, Object).
writeWhere(R) - Method in class org.sormula.operation.SqlOperation
Sets all where parameters from a row using the table's WhereTranslator.
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